And then there was the rebuttal by Tim Scott, the only Black Republican in the Senate. We were supposed to interpret it as calm, measured, and uplifting.
I want to have an honest conversation about common sense and common ground.
— Tim Scott (@SenatorTimScott) April 29, 2021
About how we move forward together.
But it was the usual libs-are-evil boilerplate, though it was delivered at low volume, and with a lot more Jesus than we used to get from Donald Trump.
Some in MAGA Nation weren't sure what to think. At 6:36 last night, Gateway Pundit gave us this:
Yay, Tim!
Three hours later, there was this:
"Nice job!" Jim Hoft wrote, adding:
Tim Scott was exceptional. Scott delivered a positive speech and it wasn’t littered with lies.But then:
His attacks on Democrat racism were devastating!
Jim Hoft (again) wrote:
GOP ELITES DROP TRUMP!Shorter Jim Hoft: Excellent work, Tim. Now stay in your lane. There's room for only one God Emperor around here, and you don't qualify.
Weakling Kevin McCarthy, the House GOP leader who is afraid of Liz Cheney, and Senator Lindsey Graham spoke with Sean Hannity on Wednesday after Tim Scott’s rebuttal to Joe Biden’s speech.
McCarthy immediately pushed Tim Scott for US President following his 15-minute speech. Lindsey Graham urged FOX News viewers to go Tim Scott’s website and donate to his campaign because he is getting attacked tonight.
And on Newsmax, Sean Spicer plugged Tim Scott as front-runner for the GOP nomination for president after his speech.
It was a clear sign the GOP elites are moving on from President Trump.
That didn’t take long.