Monday, November 30, 2020


If Republicans don't want us to believe that they're all perfectly comfortable with the damage Donald Trump is doing to democracy right now, then one or two of them could try publicly opposing what Trump is doing. Maryland's Larry Hogan -- the GOP governor of a state Trump just lost by a margin of more than two to one -- would seem ideally positioned to take a stand. Yet here he is in the Washington Examiner endorsing two of Trump's highest-profile enablers.
This election will determine what the first two years of President-elect Biden’s administration will look like. And once you tune out the loudest voices, I believe the choice facing Georgians becomes clear.

Do we want a one-party monopoly in Washington, or do we want to send a message to our federal leaders that no one party has all the answers or all the power?

Do we want two years of divisive, toxic battles over packing the Supreme Court, abolishing the Senate filibuster, and pushing the Green New Deal, or do we want to take these destructive proposals off the table?

Do we want to unleash the extremes of both political parties, or do we want to empower leaders in Washington to find bipartisan, common-sense solutions to the challenges we face?

For the sake of our nation, I urge Georgians to uphold America’s mandate for moderation and compromise by voting to keep David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in the U.S. Senate.
Did Hogan demand anything in return for this wet kiss? Did he ask Mitch McConnell to acknowledge that Joe Biden won? Did he ask Perdue and Loeffler to withdraw their calls for the resignation of Brad Raffensperger, Georgia's Republican secretary of state, who's getting death threats just for acknowledging that the election was fair?

It's not as if Hogan is ruinning short of political capital. He has a 73% approval rating in his state; he's backed by 82% of Democrats and 87% of Black voters. He could tell his party to stuff its voter fraud talk and he'd still be overwhelmingly popular in Maryland. He'd have a thriving political career even quit the party and declare himself an independent -- which is what every remaining Republican who believes in the rule of law should be doing right now, or at least privately threatening to do.

But Hogan is gutless. He withheld his vote from Trump this year but wrote in the name of a dead guy, Ronald Reagan, instead of voting for the one person who could beat Trump.

He's doing this because he's delusional. He thinks his party will stop being crazy by 2024 and he can be the GOP presidential nominee.

He could be part of an intervention that would encourage his party to abandon delusional thinking. But instead, he's just another enabler.

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