I'm skeptical. The same firm had Fiorina beating Donald Trump in Iowa after the August GOP debate, with Ben Carson ahead of both:

That was at a time when every other poll of Iowa showed Trump well ahead of Fiorina, and always in first place (although one poll in August had Trump and Carson tied at 23%, with Fiorina in third at 10%).
But who knows? There was also a national poll after the debate with Fiorina tying Trump for the lead, but the poll was sponsored by One America News Network -- the folks who brought Sarah Palin back to cable television last month -- and was conducted by the poorly rated firm Gravis Marketing. But maybe the boom is real. If so, let's see if Fiorina can sustain it -- Trump is doing a great job of milking the story of the Obama's-a-Muslim questioner, so I imagine we'll see him leading a few more polls soon.