At Least Wait Till All The WWII Vets Are Dead Before Supporting Bernie SandersSo Sanders is Hitler?
According to recent polls, socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has opened up double-digit leads over Hillary Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire, home to the nation's first presidential caucus and primary - and everyone in Arlington National Cemetery has simultaneously turned over in their graves.
On June 6, 1944, Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France en route to Berlin to liberate Europe from Adolf Hitler's national Socialist workers party.... And now, merely a few decades later, a self-avowed socialist is surging in the Democrat primary polls.
To be clear, there are no comparisons to be made between Adolf Hitler and Bernie Sanders...Well, that's a relief -- for a minute there I thought Bilello was saying the two were identical!
To be clear, there are no comparisons to be made between Adolf Hitler and Bernie Sanders other than the fact that both men used the same weapon of choice in an attempt to become the most powerful man in the world, and that weapon is class warfare. Hitler used class warfare to gain the support of the German workers by pitting them against the "capitalists," in particular the “exploitative” Jewish capitalists. Bernie Sanders has and will continue to attempt the same tactics by vilifying successful Americans as a means to rally the "have-nots" behind the cause of "justice." After all, in order to justify the confiscation of people's wealth you must first demonize them and convince the people that they deserve to be punished.The extermination of six million Jews, a modest uptick in taxes on the wealthy -- same thing, right?
As I say all the time, this is the normal tone of mainstream right-wing discourse -- and I mean mainstream. This isn't comment #327 in a Breitbart forum -- this is published by the most influential and successful cable news organization in America. Anyone who claims to pay attention to American politics but is shocked by the fact that the racist, sexist Donald Trump is leading the GOP presidential race has spent years willfully ignoring what contemporary right-wingers actually say.
So who is Joe Bilello, Fox's "Average Joe"? It's surprisingly hard to learn anything about him -- he doesn't have a Fox contributor page, and the Facebook page that appears to be his seems designed to preserve the mystery, with an odd selection of favorites:
Does the "Average Joe" work at Long Island's Cunningham Duct Cleaning or Digz Landscaping? It's possible. It's also possible that he's the same Joe Bilello who's a vice president and regional director at Goldman Sachs in New York. That would certainly be consistent with the passionate defense of accumulated wealth in the Sanders column:
Bernie Sanders can talk about big banks, greedy corporations, evil millionaires and billionaires, "free" college, incarceration rates and prison reform, and all the other perceived social and economic injustices all he wants. But the reality is that the entire Sanders campaign is predicated on one thing and one thing only - jealousy. Unless you’re a wealthy Sanders supporter, then it’s self-loathing but for the most part, it’s jealously. You have to really envy and resent those that have more than you in order to throw your support to a socialist.Are you really average, Joe? Forgive me if I'm suspicious.
... One thing that Bernie Sanders supporters don't seem to understand is that Bill Gates, the world's richest man, cannot confiscate their property. The "evil, villain" Koch brothers cannot deny their right to free speech and the Walton family, principal owners of America's largest mom-and-pop stores, Walmart, cannot have them imprisoned under whatever terms they deem necessary. But do you know who does possess all of the aforementioned powers? The government.
... According to the Wall Street Journal, "Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose liberal call to action has propelled his longshot presidential campaign, is proposing an array of new programs that would amount to the largest peacetime expansion of government in modern American history. In all, he backs at least $18 trillion in new spending over a decade according to a tally by the Wall Street Journal, a sum that alarms conservatives and gives even many Democrats pause."
Here's one more fun fact the Sanders crowd may not be aware of. There aren't enough hedge fund managers in America to punish in order to cover that tab.