Wednesday, October 31, 2007


OK, sure: Hillary Clinton is beating Rudy Giuliani in most polls. But beating him in the South?

That's what happening according to a new Pew poll being reported by the Politico:

...She wins the South.

She polls evenly with voters who attend church at least once a week....

She loses rural voters and men -- but only by a narrow margin....

Did I mention that this poll says she wins the South by more than her overall margin of victory? I just can't get my mind around that. (The Pew numbers are: Hillary up by 11 in the South, up by 8 overall.)

The reason I can't get my mind around this is that I flat-out don't believe it. This and Pew's other results are just so far beyond what's showing up in other polls. (Pew has her up by 20 points among women, whereas the latest Quinnipiac poll has her up by 10. Pew says she's down by 3 among men; Quinnipiac has her down by 15. And Quinnipiac has her down by 9 in red states.)

If the Pew results really are accurate -- if women voters and the young are giving Hillary Clinton a lead even the South -- that should be a banner headline in every newspaper in America. But I find it really far-fetched.