Monday, March 08, 2004

More on Patrick Henry College (see the post directly below): Apparently nobody at PHC wanted to bring up the subject with David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times, and apparently it didn't occur to him to ask, but I wondered how this school -- home to more than 7% of the current crop of White House interns -- teaches biology. The answer is just what you'd think, according to the school's catalog (warning -- PDF):

Any Bible, biology or other courses at PHC dealing with creation will teach creation from the understanding of Scripture that God's creative work, as described in Genesis 1:1-31, was completed in six twenty-four hour days. All faculty for such courses will be chosen on the basis of their personal adherence to this view.

The catalog does go on to note that instructors are expected to introduce students to "alternate theories," as well as "the data, if any," behind those "alternate theories," "while, in the end, teach[ing] creation as both biblically true and as the best fit to observed data."

I'd also like to note that Patrick Henry College apparently doesn't have an academic department for any of the sciences. (There's one biology professor in the Department of Classical Liberal Arts.)

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