Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Well, this sort of thing was bound to happen:

The county that was the site of the Scopes "Monkey Trial" over the teaching of evolution is asking lawmakers to amend state law so the county can charge homosexuals with crimes against nature.

The Rhea County commissioners approved the request 8-0 Tuesday.

Commissioner J.C. Fugate, who introduced the measure, also asked the county attorney to find a way to enact an ordinance banning homosexuals from living in the county.

"We need to keep them out of here," Fugate said...

--ABC News

From another version of the story, here's a little more detail:

Fugate's motion prompted some people in the audience to applaud. Three audience members who spoke before Fugate's motion advocated prayer in schools and denounced drinking alcohol and county zoning....

County zoning?

One more detail:

In 2002, a federal judge ruled unconstitutional the Rhea County school board's Bible Education Ministry, a class taught in the public schools by students from a Christian college.


Here's the opinion of one of the bright lights over at Free Republic:

this is to cool

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