Wednesday, October 30, 2002

OK, you want religious bigotry? This is religious bigotry.

Boy Scouts to atheist Eagle Scout: convert or quit.

Last week, Lambert was given roughly a week by the Boy Scouts' regional executive to declare belief in a supreme being and comply with Boy Scout policy, or quit the Scouts. The official and Lambert were to talk again this week regarding Lambert's answer, although a definite date hadn't been set by Tuesday.

"We've asked him to search his heart, to confer with family members, to give this great thought," Brad Farmer, the Scout executive of the Chief Seattle Council of the Boy Scouts, told The Sun of Bremerton. "If he says he's an avowed atheist, he does not meet the standards of membership."

Remember this story the next time someone tries to suggest that opposing the anti-gay policies of the Scouts is like opposing Mom and apple pie.