Friday, November 08, 2013


Noah Rothman, Mediate's house right-wing apparatchik, reports this:
Former MSNBC Host's Health Plan Cancelled, New Plan Costs 3.5 Times More

"Thnx Mr. President." That's all former MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan had to say to President Barack Obama on Thursday when he announced that the health insurance plan he purchased on the individual market after leaving the news network was being cancelled. The new plan he was eligible would cost him 3.5 times more than his previous plan.

Oh yeah, I feel terrible for this guy, who walked away from a $1 million annual salary at MSNBC last year (that's in addition to the money he made when he sold his Lower Manhattan loft last fall for $1.38 million). I'm sorry he has $4080 less a year to help fulfill his dream of being a successful hydroponics entrepreneur -- though that last link does say he also sold his Porsche.

Yes, there are winners and losers under Obamacare. If Dylan Ratigan is, in a small way, one of the losers, I shed no tears.