Home Depot co-founder and billionaire Ken Langone put his support behind GOP hopeful Nikki Haley on Friday, calling her approach to the 2024 election “smart.”It's far too late for the Langone endorsement to be effective, and, in fact, this and the Koch endorsement could inspire a backlash among Republican voters, many of whom think they're anti-corporate now because they've been told that most corporations are "woke" and part of "the swamp." (Don't be fooled: these voters will applaud when Trump and a GOP Congress give Langone, Koch, and their fellow richies another huge tax cut sometime in 2025.)
“I think she’s just what we need right now. I think her approach is smart. I think she’s clarified herself on some issues which is very important,” Langone, who is seen as a GOP mega donor, said in an interview with Fox News’s Neil Cavuto. “And more importantly, I think the American people need this kind of leadership, statesman-like, elegant.”
“When you think of where we’ve been in the last six or seven or eight years, it’s not good, Neil. It’s not good at all,” he added.
The backing from Langone, who endorsed former President Trump in his 2016 White House campaign, comes after Haley secured an endorsement from another top donor: the Koch-affiliated Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Action.
If Koch and Langone (and Rupert Murdoch, who's retransmitting their messaging) really wanted to stop Trump, they would have strong-armed most of the challengers months ago and forced several of them out of the race. They'd have used their wealth to make the anti-Trump forces settle on one anti-Trump candidate. It still would have been unlikely to work, but it really can't work now.
But don't tell them that -- they're CEOs. In their world, it's commonplace for them to make an unreasonable demand of their employees right at the end of the year, or at some other uncomfortable time, knowing full well that the employees will just eat shit and get the project done by deadline, even if it's a terrible idea. But Americans who aren't on the payrolls of these Masters of the Universe don't have to follow their orders.
They'll throw a lot of money at Haley, and she'll lose anyway. And they'll never understand why. How dare the world not bend to their will?