New York City subway gunman Frank James receives 10 life has run quite a few stories about this shooting since it happened -- and, of course, the commenters' responses predicted that James would get a slap on the wrist, because bleeding-heart liberals are depraved practitioners of reverse racism:
Frank James will spend the rest of his life in prison after receiving 10 life sentences Thursday in Brooklyn federal court, one sentence for each victim of the April 2022 shooting aboard a subway car at rush hour....
On the morning of April 12, 2022, James detonated a smoke canister and opened fire on a Manhattan-bound N train in Brooklyn. Ten people were directly wounded by the gunfire, with over a dozen more receiving various other injuries during the incident....
At a news conference following the hearing, Breon Peace, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, said, "Today, justice has been served."
"During the morning rush hour on April 12, 2022, Frank James unleashed a premeditated attack on unsuspecting New Yorkers he trapped in a subway car, firing 32 shots and seriously wounding 10 people," Peace said. "For those acts, Frank James was sentenced to 10 concurrent sentences of life in prison and an additional 10-year consecutive sentence."
He'll be sentenced to anger camp and community service at an all-you-can-eat rib joint.In fact, he's been held without bail at the Metropolitan Correctional Center for the part seventeen months, as we learn from an AP story on the Fox site with the headline "Brooklyn Subway Mass Shooter Who Injured 10 to Be Sentenced Thursday." But it's only in the past half hour that Fox posted an AP story on the sentencing, even though the sentence was handed down yesterday. On the Fox front page, you need to scroll all the way down to "Latest Wires" to find this story.
He'll be let out of jail in 6 months........................after all, it's New York.
Don't worry, once the public defender gets done exposing how oppressed his black life has been, along with being a ancestor to a slave, being denied equity the sentence will be 5 years, half for good behavior.
He's back on the street and having dinner with AOC and Adams tonight.
The master Fox narrative is that brutal oppression is meted out to conservative white patriots -- the January 6 insurrectionists, the Marine who choked a man to death on the subway -- while any Black person who commits a crime is accorded hero status. That was the subject of a Greg Gutfeld rant yesterday:
During a segment discussing the recent looting spree in Philadelphia, which resulted in dozens of people being criminally charged, Gutfeld took issue with some looters being let go with a slap on the wrist, calling it a “criminal mulligan.” In his opinion, this was analogous to the Jan. 6 insurrection, but the Capitol rioters were given harsher criminal sentences due to their race and political affiliation.Gutfeld doesn't say the word "Black" once, but it's clear what he means. Yet many people have been criminally charged in response to this looting. From a CBS story:
“Only certain people get criminal mulligans and Jan. 6 protestors, they don’t get criminal mulligans and here’s why. They’re the oppressor. So the oppressed get criminal mulligans,” he exclaimed.“The people who are complaining, like us, we’re actually oppressors, and we’re losing power so that’s why we are upset....
“Criminals get a mulligan, they can steal up to $900 worth of stuff, they can loiter, sleep, and shoot up in public areas, including playgrounds, they can loot and burn and call it social justice,” he declared. “They can pile up dozens of arrests and never do time. Meanwhile, what about us? Well, we have to change our lives to accommodate risk wherever we go. We have to move out of cities for the sake of the safety of our families and our own safety. That’s what’s happening.”
Seventy-two people have been charged after several stores were looted across Philadelphia last week....Looting is bad, but the looters in Philadelphia weren't trying to overthrow the government. Burglary and property damage are as dangerous to society as undermining democracy.
Of those arrests, 67 adults and five minors have been charged, according to ADA Clint Orem, the acting chief of the DAO's charging unit. The most common charges were burglary and theft....
Dayjia Blackwell, 21, known as "Meatball" was charged for her alleged role in multiple incidents of property destruction, burglary, and theft from businesses in seven different locations throughout the city, according to police. She is alleged to have used her social media following to encourage people to participate in criminal activities in those locations. Police said she has been charged with burglary, conspiracy, criminal trespass, riot, criminal mischief, criminal use of communication facility, receipt of stolen property and disorderly conduct.
Fox viewers don't agree. They're white, so they're the victims, no matter what they do. Gutfeld went on to argue that they're exactly analogous to slaves in the pre-Civil War South, and the necessary remedy is the same: war.
We had a war over slavery. We knew slavery was inhumane and immoral, but somehow we couldn’t solve slavery peacefully. It was an evil, but one side refused to acknowledge that it was evil because it was too big of an admission of them to make. Doesn’t that feel that way now? That this defiant refusal to reverse this decline argues against the survival of a country? What does that leave you with? It leaves you with you need to make war to bring peace because you have a side that cannot change, because then that means an admission that their beliefs have been corrupt all the time, so in a way you have to force them to surrender.I should note that this rant took place on The Five, which is Fox's most-watched show.
We think that Republicans' disdain for democracy is all about Donald Trump. It's about him, but it's also about this.