The unabashedly pro-Putin Gateway Pundit is trying to explain to its readers why master strategist and manly hero Vladimir Putin finds himself
fighting off a rebellion from Yevgeniy Prigozhin’s Wagner Group mercenaries. GP's explanation is
just what you'd expect:
As the search for reliable understanding continues, allegations are emerging that the United States is working behind the scenes. Some say the CIA convinced Prigozhin to turn against the Russian President.
GP's commenters, of course, are sad, angry, and defiant in defense of Putin, the great hero of the West:
Putin is against the WEF and the globalists. so our government will be against russia.
Putin is exposing what we were doing in Ukraine... he has the evidence.
What do ya think ?
And this is exactly why they want Putin out, before he spills the beans on many other things that we probably don't know about.
I'm not a fan of Putin in anyway at all, but with all that he's said, and how blatant the one sided coverage is, and how the media, politicians, and hollywood stars siding ONLY with the money laudering capital of Europe Ukraine, is actually making me start to like Putin!!!
The fact that Putin "put a hit out" on George Soros made me see Putin from another perspective .
I don't like Soros either .
I don't know what to think with all the corruption in the Us , Ukraine , and Russian related states.
It seems like an act of desperation since the Ukraine is totally lost. The West is infested with parasites and historically, when they start pushing for child molesters, it is game over--pogroms happen. If it is true that the head of Wagner is of the Soros tribe then of course he would not be trustworthy. Then again Shoigu is not ethnic Russian either. He said something a while back about wanting closer relations with Asia. Putin preferred closer relations with Europe. It would be pathetic if Putin is overthrown since the West is run by cowardly pedophiles and where are the military units to coup them out? It would be so easy. Jan 6 and Ottawa showed that the Deep State are cowards. THink of it this way--Blinken and Soros and co. are fleas--and western countries are a pack of dogs. The fleas don't care how itchy they make the dogs--all they care about is finding other dogs to infest---so if they can make the dogs so mad from scratching that they starve or get into fights with other dogs--that's great--because the fleas can simply move over to the next dog. That's how the J-Tribe works in nations.
... Don't trust any of them.
The Democrats like to say a person is not defined by one wrong act ala George Floyd home invasion on a pregnant women and threatening to kill her baby in the womb.
Putin kills his rivals.
Biden gave 250 billion of military equipment to the taliban then blew up about 8 women and children in a car and said they were high level terrorists.
I don't trust any politician except Trump.
But l personally like Putin over Biden, l can't get passed Joe having an orgasm, sexually abusing his daughter..
Red line.
The Putin kills his rivals is western media propaganda. The one that was supposedly poisoned had eaten poorly prepared blowfish which is poisonous when not done right
Bill and Hill's, make Putin look amateurish.
Putin said, “Against us, the whole military, economic, and information machines of the West are turned.”
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, "why", Mr. Putin?
Because Russia refuses to become a slave to the globalist agenda.
I would look into Peter Daszak with Ecohealth Alliance who was involved with the whole Covid fiasco, as well as Hunter Biden who had a part in the biolabs at metabiota in Ukraine. I would venture to say the us govt is complicit in many nefarious actions. Lindsey Graham said yesterday we should be prepared to be nuked. False flag?
I would say come out and be separate. The earlier you side with Jesus the better off you’ll be. Hint: read Revelation- there are three harvests. (144k are the first fruits, the wheat harvest is the multitudes the largest harvest of all, and lastly the grape harvest. They are thrown in the wine press of God’s wrath.) Don’t align yourself with evil doers. B H O is rearing his ugly head again, looks like he is the man behind the curtain all along.
Putin is attacking the bioweapons labs, the adrenochrome labs, and the nazis.
Putin is standing in the way of the globalists.
I AM a fan of Putin..
When he talks, he defends people and Russian Sovereignty.
The enemy is Tyranny. The US Federal Govt is the largest Tyranny in the world.
Putin is our greatest ally.
I agree...Putin is not the bad guy...when our media keeps projecting that Lie, we should KNOW it is the opposite...the really bad guys are china & this administration...Why are the dem/coms taking billions to give to ukraine? I believe they are stealing our money as fast as they can & causing chaos (war) intentionally to aid in the bastages reset of a global world...Putin is fighting all this alone with no allies.
Sounds the same as like what happened with Trump and what Trump was doing with America... Funny how that when you go up against the elite, globalist and your not bought and paid off so they can't control you, then you become the most hated and demonized person in the world.....
Putin is interfering with the Globalist oligarchs’ WEF plan to wreck America, on their way to total world control. So Putin must go.
America has an oligarchical problem and it’s even bigger than the oligarchical problem which did and was destroying Russia and her economy, since 1917, until Putin arrived and began driving the oligarchs out. Now they seek revenge.
In America, these international WEFers not only have gained a stranglehold on her media, but her political establishment and all her important institutions - including the church - just as they formerly did in the USSR and Russia under Yeltsin.
As Vladimir Putin warned America, “Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation."
“We will make America so corrupt, she stinks.” And so they did and so she does, like a dying carcass.
The 4-years of attacks on Trump for "Russian Collusion" were never meant to take Trump out - it was all propaganda against Russian at a time when globalists wanted to violate the Minsk Accord. During this time we "Westernized" ALL of Western and EASTERN Europe with gay/tranny/Disney/ESG values and captured them with the USD/EURO.
The CIA and FBI are the hired thugs of the NWO banking cabal. Russia and the Brics have all rejected the central banksters and their fiat Dollar. They are standing in the way of WEF hegemony over the entire planet.
Russia is a literal fueling station. Thats what the Globalists want, ALL their natural resources, especially the oil and gas. They will make sure it xannot be used all in the name of their religion, climate change.
How much you wanna bet, that a lot of that so called $$$$ going to Ukraine, was actually sent to The Wagner Group. Victoria Nuland has her paws all over this, and you can bet Miss Lindsay Graham signed the checks. These warmongers have wanted Putin gone for a long time.
I will throw in another for extra credit....the timing of Soros handing the reins to Mini Me...Putin has wanted Soros’ head on a spike for 30 years, and young Alex is probably anteing up $$$ for Wagner
I want to see Zelenskey and Biden stand trial for child sex trafficking
Obama and his Marxist pedophiles will burn down America unless he is stopped
Bath House Barry gets his world war, and martial law. Guns rounded up next.
And soon we'll be hearing somewhat diluted versions of these talking points from RFK Jr., Tucker on Twitter, and other miscreants. I can't wait.