Just wanted to draw your attention to this, from the National Association for Gun Rights:

I've got good news.(Emphasis as in original.)
This upcoming Wednesday the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs is scheduled to take up a post office reform bill (S.1486).
U.S. Senator Rand Paul is once again leading the pro-gun fight by proposing an amendment to eliminate the Post Office Gun Ban once and for all!
But ending this gun ban won't come easily.
You see, several anti-gunners serve on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee, and they're preparing to fight tooth-and-nail against Senator Paul's proposal.
That means it's up to pro-gun patriots like you to stand with Senator Paul by taking action right away.
Please contact the members of the committee right away....
If you want to contact the committee members and tell them that supporting this idea is competely insane, their contact info is at the link.
Please recall that some reasonable people believe Rand Paul is the front-runner for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination.
"Please recall that some reasonable people believe Rand Paul is the front-runner for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination."
I'm not surprised, because I think many of our "reasonable people" are also stupid, ignorant, and cruel "MORANS!"
I just saw a shot of a sign from a GUN SHOW that said "no loaded weapons allowed." Because, you know, the organizer thought it would be a sensible idea.
Pray continue, Senator.
Victor - if you can't spell "moron", you must be one.
What makes Post Offices so specially safe that a law abiding citizen must be prohibited from carrying his or her self defense weapon? Have you ever seen a NO GUNS sign actually work against a criminal or off-kilter person? EVER?
Er, John? Victor's alluding to this guy.
Notice that he's on your side.
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