Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I'm not worried about the Bill-O'Reilly-wannabe kids who want to boycott stores that don't put "Saint" before "Valentine's Day" -- they seem rather ineffectual (c'mon, kids, you need a longer boycott list than that).

However, I'm genuinely creeped out by people who, when they think of Valentine's Day, think, "Little tiny fetuses are being murdered!!!" Yikes.


(TBogg has some non-G-rated Valentine's Day thoughts, along similar lines.)


By the way, here's the cover of O'Reilly's next book:

No joke. We like ourselves, don't we, Bill?


UPDATE: Roy at Alicublog examines the quest for a liberalism-free (and nonmarital-sex-free) Valentine's Day.


And I should have added this from Sadly, No! about the "Day of Purity," which contains this brilliant insight:

... I do think it's tragic that so many of our youngsters must work so hard to avoid sexual temptation, especially when there's a whole slew of people out there who desperately desire access to sex, but are unable to attain it for reasons of nerdiness. This is a classic example of market failure, where an open market system produces a suboptimal allocation of resources.

Don't worry -- go to the link and learn about a market-based solution to this problem.

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