Monday, March 04, 2024


The Supreme Court, as expected, has ruled that Donald Trump can't be removed from state presidential ballots. Trump -- a narcissistic hatemonger and wannabe insult comic -- has responded to his victory in a way that surprises me. On Fox News, Trump said:
Today's decision, especially the fact that it was unanimous, 9-0, is both unifying and inspirational for the people of the United States.
On Truth Social, Trump wrote:

On Howie Carr's radio show, Trump said:
And this is for future presidents. This is not for me. This is for future presidents, all presidents.
At the end of his Mar-a-Lago press conference, Trump said:
I think it's a very big day for America, I think it's a very big day for liberty, and I think it's just a great day for this country. Again, I hope it's unifying like I think, but it is, it's a big step toward unification.
Trump couldn't really keep this up, of course. Most of the press conference was the usual Trump victimization/"lawfare" whining and kvetching -- at length, he complained that all the prosecutors who've pursued him are attacking him because they have an agenda, and because they're coordinating with the White House.

But clearly, someone has advised Trump to rebrand his victories as wins for all of us, and for a unified America. I don't think they can persuade him to keep this up, but I wonder if they'll continue urging him to be this phony Trump in the future.

The message, I assume, will be that President Biden is the candidate who's trying to divide the country, while Trump is just a selfless patriot reluctantly pursuing the presidency again for our good, not his own. If he manages to stick to the script, will any swing voters actually buy this?

Swing voters tend not to bring a lot of previous political knowledge to the table, so ... maybe! But I don't think Trump can set aside his self-absorption for very long. Nevertheless, I'm fascinated to learn that his people want him to try.

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