Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Here's a reminder of why a jury ordered Alex Jones to pay nearly a billion dollars to parents of children killed in Newtown, Connecticut:
Within hours of the shooting, Jones was telling his audience that it was staged as a pretext for confiscating guns. Within days, he began to suggest that grieving parents were actors. In the years that followed, he repeatedly said the massacre was faked.

The families testified during the trial that the lies spread by Jones led to harassment and threats by conspiracy theorists who have accused them of faking their own children’s deaths. They described feeling unsafe in their own homes and hypervigilant in public. Some of the families moved away from Newtown.

The largest single award of $120 million went to Robbie Parker, whose six-year-old daughter Emilie was killed in the shooting. Jones spent years mocking Parker as an actor....

He was the first parent to speak publicly in the wake of the massacre. Just before Parker made an anguished statement to the media, he gave a brief nervous smile as he saw the assembled journalists. Jones seized on the moment as evidence of the purported hoax, playing the seconds-long clip again and again in the years after the shooting.

Parker described the shame he felt for the harassment faced by the families, believing that he had somehow “brought this on everybody.” Parker’s voice trembled and his body shook as he told the court that he still feels a sense of responsibility, even though logically he knows that it was not his fault.
Sick bastard.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is offended by the jury award, of course ("No matter what you think of Alex Jones all he did was speak words"). Charlie Kirk goes with absurd whataboutism ("If Alex Jones owes a billion dollars for saying mean things on his show, how much should the propagandists at CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, and The New York Times pay to all the Americans they pressured to inject their kids saying it would prevent transmission to grandma?") as well as if-they-did-it-to-Jones-they-can-do-it-to-you ("This is about sending a message: If you upset the Regime, they will destroy you, completely and utterly, forever").

But it's not just right-wing edgelords who are sticking up for Jones -- in all likelihood, it's your right-wing relatives. Or at least that's my conclusion based on a quick scan of the comments at the Daily Wire:
118 million per family, he hurt their feelings that bad? that's a cool 313 million for the legal profession. still think the judicial system exists for the people and not the legal profession?


the lawyers for the families are the real crooks here. keep their clients brainwashed bc their payday relies on it


The attorney for the plaintiffs in the first trial, who received a lot of funding from George Soros said he wanted to take his platform away from him. He wanted to take away his voice. I think there is more at play here than just the Sandy Hook families. It won't stop with Jones, I have no doubt about that.


The progs are out for blood. Apologies mean nothing when your goal is to utterly destroy anyone whose worldview is slightly to right of chairman Mao. They don't accuse to achieve justice and restitution, they accuse to annihilate.


How much is owed to Donald Trump for "Russian Collusion" ?
Bush for "blowing up the levies" ?
How much does the Govt owe me for the Covid vax being "safe, and effective"?


Our justice system is so incredibly broken. Sorry, I can’t imagine losing a child, but guess what? You don’t get paid for it unless it’s from the party responsible. Saying something on the radio did not cause you $1 billion worth of injury. It didn’t even cause you $10 worth of injury.


The global elite have been trying to bury Alex since the day he snuck in and filmed them in Bohemian Grove


This kind of show trial is worse than the USSR or third world trials. Notice an FBI agent was one of the victims; they will use this to have a govt. agent sue you for everything you got if you dissent against the tyrant deep state. This should outrage everyone who still believes they are free people in a free country.


Thousands of people have died from Covid vax lies. Thousands have been fired from their jobs for refusing the vax. Where are their millions??


I think if we’re talking covid lies settlements we’re talking trillions not millions


If only perverts and groomers were held as accountable as this.


Apparently actual harm doesn't count in our legal system. Only hurt feelings.
This week, Democrats up to and including the president denounced racist remarks made by Democratic legislators in California, and called for those legislators to resign. But Republicans won't denounce a member of the tribe, not even for this level of cruelty. Republicans are irredeemable.