In memory of the great Merle Haggard, who may not have smoked marijuana in Muskogee, but certainly did in every other town on the circuit:
We don't get up early in Biloxi
We don't set our radio alarms
don't ever wear a mask on Main Street
Or brag on vaccinations in our
We don't go for wokie in Muskogee
Or Tupelo or old Sault
We don't buzz on coffee in Kentucky
Cause dead asleep is
where we want to be
I"m proud to be unwoke in Oklahoma
proud to be asleep in Tennessee
I"m proud to linger in my bed in Texas
I love livin right and sleepin free
We don't allow no racism
in Tulsa
We drove it out a hundred years ago
We had to drive our
black folks all out with it
But nothing in this life comes free, you
We don't take to critical race theory
We like lettin well
enough alone
Criticize your forebears if you want to
I"ll be here
just sleepin like a stone
I"m proud to be unwoke in Oklahoma
proud to be asleep in Tennessee
I"m proud to linger in my bed in Texas
I love livin right and sleepin free
What made me think of this was the rightwingers' crazed response to this CIA recruitment ad—which really was pretty funny, to tell the truth, with Mija, the first-generation Latina immigrant who's found a career in the Agency, cautiously letting you know that, in spite of her affiliation with what was, in the days of Casey and Buckley and Dulles and James Jesus Angleton, the relentlessly white male Catholic Intelligence Agency, she's actually pretty darn intersectional:
“I am a woman of color. I am a mom. I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder.”
I honestly think it's possible that diversifying Langley is a serious project
Brennan might have undertaken, and his successor Gina Haspel, with some
intersectional cred of her own, might have followed up on (we can bypass the interregnum of
grease-faced Mike Pompeo, for whom the women of the CIA were his and Mrs.
P.'s servants who picked up the dry cleaning and fed the pets and did the family's
events planning, and I doubt he ran the place in any sense). But I find
it really hard to imagine they could have succeeded in making
it a haven for quirky identity-conscious millennials, Mija or no Mija. Really?
(The only person in my millennial daughter's circle who thought about it was
the Republican of the group, anyway.)
But rightwingers like Rod Dreher are genuinely terrified (well, not genuinely anything, but happy to set their hair on fire) about what this can do to our national security, as in one of those Penthouse for Paranoids effusions with which he stuffs his blog:
A reader who is in a position to know what he’s talking about — I’ll leave it at that — tells me that this is exactly the kind of strategy that Woke Capital has been pursuing, but adapted to the intelligence field. The idea is that if the CIA emphasizes cultural progressivism, the Left won’t care about the security state growing. And, my source says, the CIA is just mirroring the recruiting strategy of prestige colleges.
Wake up, Rod, you're having a nightmare!
But the thing that's really got to me is just the endlessly repeated word "woke", meaning a terrifying and wicked thing that's going to hurt us all, if it's allowed to spread. In the good old days, Republicans complained about the "reality-based community" and boasted about their ability to create their own reality; now they're complaining about too many people being awake. It's really such a weird semantic system they're working with.
Cross-posted at The Rectification of Names.