Thursday, October 02, 2014


Ted Nugent is getting some attention for his new World Net Daily column, which is titled "Liberalism's Killer 'Welfare Crack'" and is about as bad as that title would suggest:
A Ferguson, Missouri, police officer was shot recently while he was investigating a break-in.

From the stories I have read on the Internet about the shooting, the media have made it a point not to describe the suspect or suspects the police are searching for. I don’t know about you, but I find this rather fascinating....

Based on crime stats in Ferguson and elsewhere, it would be a safe bet to assume the two thugs the police are looking for are black males between the age of 15 and 25.

It would also be a safe bet the two thugs being searched for were raised by a single parent, have criminal records, are high school dropouts, don’t have jobs and are very likely to be members of a gang. Just a random Nuge hunch....
Nugent goes on to blame liberalism for this state affairs -- you're shocked, right? me too! -- and calls on someone he apparently regards as an expert to buttress his argument:
Project 21 spokesman Christopher Arps stated, "The War on Poverty has arguably destroyed the black nuclear family. Roughly 75 percent of black children were born to a married two-parent family when the 'war' began in 1964. By 2008, the percentage of black babies born out of wedlock numbered over 72 percent. Today, the rate of unwed motherhood in the black community is more than twice as high as among whites – and almost three times higher than before big government's grand intervention. And all this comes at a steep financial cost. The federal government has spent an estimated $15 trillion to end poverty. Government reportedly spent $20,610 on every poor individual and $61,830 per poor family in 2012."
Christopher Arps is affiliated with the black conservative groups Project 21 and He was also, as noted by the Riverfront Times and St. Louis American in 2010, found guilty of not paying child support a decade ago:
The man is a deadbeat dad, and not just a missed-one-payment type -- according to the Missouri Department of Corrections, Christopher Arps of Florissant was convicted of non-support for six out of 12 months in St. Louis County in 2001. According to the Department of Corrections official, Dean Watson, the dude is on active probation in District 8E (Florissant) until 2011.
(Yes, he's from Florissant, Missouri, one town over from Ferguson, which meant that he provided commentary on this summer's events there to the Tea Party News Network.)

Arps allied himself with profession affirmative-action foe Ward Connerly to try to get an anti-affirmative action referendum on Missouri's ballot in 2008. (Not enough signatures were collected.) He also accused the NAACP of failing to help Kenneth Gladney, a black man reportedly roughed up by union counter-demonstrators at a Tea Party rally.
But the effort was cut short when the head of the civil rights group showed up at the news conference and said that no one had asked the NAACP to investigate the claims.

"The St. Louis branch of the NAACP will and does accept and investigate all written complaints filed with us, regardless of the complainant's ideology," said Claude Brown Sr., president of the St. Louis City NAACP. "We regret that a group has decided to protest outside our office before contacting us or filing such a complaint."
In 2005, when the U.S. Senate passed a resolution apologizing for America's history of lynching, Project 21 denounced the resolution:
The lynchings of the past, while a sad place in history to recount, is exactly that - history. The best way to avenge this shameful history and make it relevant to us today is not to wallow in the apologies and regrets offered by senators who couldn't be in any way responsible for what occurred, but to supply our own closure by forgiving those who trespassed against us and moving on.
Project 21 is an initiative of the National Center for Public Policy Research, which, among other things, fights for voter ID laws.

Ted Nugent, it should be noted, wrote in a column in February of last year that he was going to call his forthcoming tour "Black Power 2013." And here are a few of his witticisms on that subject:

I'm a huge, crazed black man from Detroit....


I am the funniest black man in America since Richard Pryor caught on fire.


Tell Larry The Cable Guy I'm the funniest black man around.
(Source; source; source.)

Mike Huckabee, your thoughts?

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