Thursday, October 02, 2014


Rush Limbaugh said on his show today that he thinks non-conservatives in America are eventually going to blame Ebola on "powerful majorities." He says this because conspiratorial thinking about Ebola is being disseminated by Louis Farrakhan -- an incredibly influential person among non-conservatives who are stuck in a bend in the time-space continuum where it's still 1988:
RUSH: Now, some predictions as to the way this is gonna go because of political correctness....

If Ebola starts spreading quickly in the United States, and if the death toll rises rapidly, I want you to be prepared for the fact that this will be a disease created by the CIA or other powerful majorities for the purposes of wiping out minorities. That is how it will be -- and not in kookville. This will be mainstream stuff. College professors will tell their students this.

Others will discuss it on cable television, much like they discuss the "art" in a movie on how to assassinate George W. Bush. They will discuss whether or not we need to consider such theories; could they, in fact, be possible. In fact this prediction's already beginning to come true because Calypso Louie, "Minister Farrakhan" of the Nation of Islam, is already saying so.

The CIA created AIDS, too. It's out there now, and Calypso Louie, think of him as a kook, if you will, but he's got followers that believe everything he says. They tell other people who believe what they say and it mushrooms.
One of my commenters also brought this Farrakhan thing up. (On Twitter, Farrakhan called Ebola and AIDS race targeting bioweapons.) I don't expect this idea to spread very far on my side of the fence. On the other hand, I see that the doomsday-prepper site ("When it hits the fan, don't say we didn't warn you") -- where there a lot more gun and ammo ads than you tend to see at, oh, say, Mother Jones or Daily Kos -- the notion of government involvement in Ebola dissemination is already being taken very, very seriously:
Report: "Disaster Teams Were Notified Months Ago They Would Be Activated in October"

A public tweet from a large government supplier of emergency response products specializing in "high risk events" says that Disaster Assistance Response Teams were told to prepare to be activated in the month of October. The shocking revelation, made on the Goldenstate Fire/EMS Twitter page, suggests that not only did someone know that the Ebola virus would be reaching America, but that they knew exactly when it would happen....

And, of course, according to this post, everything you think you know about Ebola is wrong!!!1!1!
... The traditional thinking here is that the virus made its way to the United States simply by one infected individual coming into contact with another, and so on. But, a growing chorus of contrarian researchers suggests another possibility -- the Ebola virus may have been weaponized by a government or rogue terror cell and it has been deployed as a bio weapon....

Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show notes that the U.S. Army is intimately involved in Ebola research, adding further fuel to speculation that it has been used to develop new bio weapon systems....

Over the last several years the U.S. government has been actively preparing for a widespread crisis scenario. Whether that crisis is Ebola or something else remains to be seen. But, what we do know is that they have stocked up not only armaments and ammunition, but tens of thousands of Hazmat suits, body bags and what are believed to be millions of disposable FEMA coffins.

Moreover, the President updated several Executive Orders over the last several years authorizing, among other things, forced quarantines and round-ups in the event of a pandemic emergency and the appropriation of private resources like food, water and human labor....
I'm not worried about Farrakhan. I am worried that, if Ebola really does establish a significant footprint in this country, the response to it will be hampered by the refusal of many True Patriots to cooperate with even minimally inconvenient procedures meant to stem the spread of the disease, because FREEDOM! Also because FIRST STEP TO OBAMA SOCIALIST TOTALITARIANISM AND GLOBAL CALIPHATE!

Here's what they're doing in Nigeria and other affected parts of Africa, as reported by Alexis Okeowo in a New York Times op-ed:
Most people I know now carry hand sanitizer around and religiously cleanse several times a day; they know that, in contaminated areas, chlorine can be used to kill the virus; and, before being allowed to enter public buildings, they submit to checks by security guards armed with "temperature guns" that detect a fever. On a recent excursion to a nightclub, a guard put one of these devices to my head and then told me I had "passed"; at the entrance we were required to take hand sanitizer from a dispenser just to be sure.
If things get bad in America, or in New York, would I do that? To stay alive? Sure. But I'd worry that a lot of wingnuts would balk. I fear they'd propose mass internment (or execution) of all aliens who aren't ethnic Europeans, plus a solid line of nuclear missiles on the Mexican border, before they'd willingly adapt to the new reality.


  1. I just can't get excited about this. Most right wing gun nuts are cowards on top of everything else. And their families are too. If one of these guys gets a hint of ebola they can withdraw to their fortressess all they want--the entire family will die, horribly and quietly inside their homes or venture out too late for help and be abandoned by their frightened neighbors to die in the street. Thats the reality of what that kind of retrograde, anti social behavior creates in a community.

    Ironically their deaths will be not unlike that we visited on the Native American populations after we poisoned them with Smallpox. Isolated settlements will die off. Entire families will go together.

    That's if Ebola becomes sufficiently widespread. Which I doubt very much is going to happen.

  2. I must have had a bad cold and called in sick on the day the "TEH F*CKIN' STOOOOOOPID!" pills were passed out.

  3. I'm not inclined to panic over Ebola, myself. But one thing that struck me when reading the coverage of the Dallas incident, was how the county had found it difficult to find a cleaning firm to agree to clean the family apartment and dispose of the patient's soiled towels and sheets. The nature of this disease requires a lot of diligent cleaning, and unfortunately, most of the people who do that kind of work are low income minorities. It wouldn't surprise me at all that minorities might be at greater risk, because of their standing in the social hierarchy.

  4. We have to learn how to do this and do it right, because there will be more Ebola cases in the U.S. -- maybe only a few, but some. This is something we simply mustn't approach the way we approach everything else in this country -- underpay, cut corners, whine if the authorities try to use regulation to ensure safety. But I don't know if American society is capable of changing its ways.

  5. Are you telling me that Rush is full of shit? Must be a day ending in Y.

  6. Farrakhan is head of the nation's largest hate group. And he's still spreading that racist blood libel not only about Ebola but even about AIDS through Nation of Islam media (by no means just tweets) to millions who hang on his words.

    Blind in one eye, are you?

    The one people use to notice there actually is such a thing as black racism against whites, I mean.

    Oh, aimai. Love your denial. You do it wonderfully well.

  7. Aunt Snow, the cleaners showed up and were turned away by cops for lack of the proper permit. Just another step in a dance of total incompetence and unpreparedness. The CDC is so full of shit it is unspeakable.

  8. Steve M, nice research on the right wing Ebola crackpots who see a government conspiracy. This country is full of nuts of all races. And that is one reason why we are probably going to be seriously screwed by Ebola.

  9. Philo, thanks for the nice words regarding my research, but...

    Aunt Snow, the cleaners showed up and were turned away by cops for lack of the proper permit. Just another step in a dance of total incompetence and unpreparedness. The CDC is so full of shit it is unspeakable.

    The CDC runs the state of Texas now? Or the city of Dallas? What's your point here? And do you really want this work done by people whose hazardous-site credentials aren't in good order?

  10. Steve, I really think Graham wins his elections in an old-fashioned way, by schmoozing up and down the state and keeping the voters' minds on how friendly and well-mannered he is and off the question of what he does in the Senate. Anyway it certainly wouldn't work in the presidential primaries. He's just as "wet" on immigration from their standpoint as Jebbie.

  11. Oops, tacked that on the wrong post.

  12. October is Disaster Preparedness Month--the DOD has been alerting its workers for weeks about this. Nothing to do with Ebola, sorry to disappoint the wingnuts.

  13. Just another step in a dance of total incompetence and unpreparedness.

    You think it would be better if they were allowed to enter a contaminated area, despite their lack of qualifications?

  14. I think it would have been better if the first group sent to the scene had had the right qualifications.
