Friday, March 02, 2012


OK, maybe it's an inadvertent dog whistle. In any case, it's not condemnation:

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum labeled Rush Limbaugh "absurd" over disparaging remarks from the radio talk show host directed at a law student who testified before a House panel in support of access to contraceptives.

"He's being absurd, but that's you know, an entertainer can be absurd," Santorum told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Friday. "He's in a very different business than I am."

The key word here is "absurd," because it's a word Limbaugh proudly uses. For years he's described what he does as "demonstrating absurdity by being absurd" -- in fact, the title of a chapter in his first book was "People: Think for Yourselves, Or Demonstrating Absurdity By Being Absurd." In fact, just today he described his sex-video remark about Sandra Fluke as "illustrating absurdity here by being absurd."

Either Santorum knows all this (and as a card-carrying movement conservative, he presumably would) or Santorum in understands that saying this is an easy way to attack Limbaugh without actually attacking him.

Oh, and Limbaugh's an "entertainer," so it's silly for anyone to care, right? (Funny, back in January, when Santorum said "we've lost, unfortunately, our entertainment industry" to "the left," he seemed to regard entertainment as a lot more relevant to politics.)


  1. "He's in a very different business than I am."

    Different division, same company.

  2. Republican presidential candidates are not taking their Jeremiah Wright moment seriously:

    Rush Limbaugh called her a slut
    Although she was anything but
    So how did the candidates feel
    About his outrageous spiel?

    Well, Rick said that it was “absurd”
    It was just an “entertainer's” word.
    And as for candidate Newt
    He’s been uncharacteristically mute.

    What about good Dr. Paul?
    Not a word about Rush Limbaugh
    Though he said that, really
    The birth control issue was “silly”.

    And how about front runner Mitt?
    What was his take on this bit?
    “Not language I would have used”
    He seemed a little bemused.

    Now Rush has got lots of clout
    So folks fear to call him out
    But in this instance outrage calls
    Whassa matter, guys, cat got your balls?

    more political verse at
