Saturday, March 03, 2012


No, he doesn't have a show on Fox (yet), but Pat Buchanan made an appearance on Sean Hannity's show and said this (at around 2:38 in the video below):

Sean, you know, a couple of months ago Obama was so low in the polls even the Kenyans were saying he was born in the United States.

HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!! That's a real kneeslapper, Pat! Hey, give us a teleprompter joke!

No, he doesn't actually say anything else that's unusually obnoxious, about teleprompters or anything else. He does, however, give the GOP game away (as if we didn't already know) at about 4:33:

This country is in political deadlock. Nothing happened in 2011. Nothing's going to happen in 2012. You put Barack Obama back in that White House and then we got four more years of deadlock....

In other words: Nice little country you got here. We'll continue to make it ungovernable unless you give us control of the whole government.

He and Hannity also agree (5:05) that a GOP-dominated government will have to gut entitlements right out of the chute, so public bitterness will fade a bit by the 2014 midterms and (especially) by Romney's 2016 reelection campaign. Yup, that's what I've been assuming the plan is, too.

Is Buchanan going to get a show on Fox? Well, Fox is going to attack Obama from the right on foreign policy no matter what he does (short of personally riding a nuclear bomb down onto Tehran a la Slim Pickens), and Murdoch and Ailes have to worry that, in the event of military action against Iran, Buchanan will deviate from the party line and declare that Obama is immorally colluding with the evil Jews and the Zionist lobby. So they'll probably limit him to guest appearances on other subjects. But I assume he'll make a lot of those, and he'll probably be a designated racial hit man when Fox needs one.

(Via Fox Nation.)


  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Not noted for humor, that's actually pretty good, for him.

  2. "personally riding a nuclear bomb down onto Tehran"

    You think that would redeem him in their eyes? No. They'd just say it was an accident, that he was trying to strap a white conservative to the bomb, but Obama got tangled up in the ropes.

    It is an article of faith with them that no Democrat can ever do anything good. (Not that bombing Iran would be good, although it does have a good beat, and you can dance to it.)

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Oh, about Obama and the Zionists, he has for a good while insisted Obama is the voice of sanity on Iran and on Israel while the GOP is nuts.

    He even went so far as to say a GOP victory in November pretty much guarantees war if we don't get one before then while an Obama victory offers a real chance for peace.

    And he much prefers the peace option.

    He has also flirted with the idea that an Israeli attack before the election might be aimed at forcing us into a war with Iran, given that military experts are unanimous and clear that an Israeli raid couldn't actually stop Iran from going nuclear.

    But I suppose his estimate of Obama could change after the president's speech to AIPAC.

    That's not a great venue to urge that Netanyahu and the American neocons who support him are crackpots.

    What Buchanan has never said is that the US should simply abandon Israel to its fate, totally withdrawing our support and our protection.

    That would make it possible for the Israelis to go to war without the Iranians attacking us or our interests and so without us being drawn in.

    But Buchanan has repeatedly insisted the US should defend Israel and he has insisted on its right to exist.

    That means he wants us to remain Israel's bodyguard though he knows it is because we play that role that Iran will likely retaliate for any Isreali attack not only on Israel but on us.
