Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Love Fox Nation's headline for the State of the Union response by Mitch Daniels:

Here's some of the poetry:

In word and deed, the president and his allies tell us that we just cannot handle ourselves in this complex, perilous world without their benevolent protection. Left to ourselves, we might pick the wrong health insurance, the wrong mortgage, the wrong school for our kids; why, unless they stop us, we might pick the wrong light bulb!

Yeah, right -- no one needs any government regulation whatsoever because no human being has ever made a choice with terrible consequences as a result of nonexistent or inadequate regulation -- no one has ever taken Thalidomide or consumed soft drinks containing cocaine or used tapeworm-based diet aids or invested in triple-A-rated subprime-mortgage-backed CDOs from Goldman Sachs. Given freedom!!!, bad things simply can't happen.

Bonus points to Daniels for the lightbulb reference; five bucks says that the next Republican president will have all the curly bulbs removed from the White House within 24 hours of being sworn in, accompanied by a boastful press release. And I won't be surprised if this year's GOP nominee waves an incandescent bulb at the convention during his acceptance speech and says, "From my cold, dead hands!"

Oh, and that school-choice reference? Hey, Mitch, the early 1990s called -- they want their talking point back.


  1. It's ironic that they're picking on light bulbs, and making the incandescent ones an issue.

    Isn't the old-fashioned light bulb the cartoon/comic book equivalent of a new idea?
    And they haven't had a new one of those since Goldwater was in knee-britches.

    These are some very weird fucking people, and you just never know what they'll get hung up on next.

    We could come up with a brand new miraculous and cheap form of energy, making us completely independent, and they'll be out there decrying it and claiming government interference, and go to protests screaming about the Liberal Daddy government, waving gasoline nozzles.

    I guess even when it comes to light bulbs, they don't believe in choice. They want the old fashioned ones, for no other reason than it pisses off the Liberals and tree-huggers.

  2. his allies tell us that we just cannot handle ourselves in this complex, perilous world without their benevolent protection.

    Very poetic, indeed. The alliteration of R's and S's evoke the image of a fierce struggle between a dog and a snake.

    unless they stop us, we might pick the wrong light bulb!

    And now the snake slithers away in the darkness.

  3. And wasn't the whole Light Bulb initiative thing started by his former boss, GWB?
