Wednesday, January 25, 2012

For Fuck's Sake, People, Get It Right

For the record:
  • That story about Callista Gingich having a woman arrested for breastfeeding? It's from the Weekly World News.

  • That poll with 91% approval for the State of the Union Address? It's from a year ago.
We have enough of the facts on our side that we don't need to rely on things we wish were true.

Update: Last night Rachel Maddow corrected the previous night's item, noting that the poll she had cited was a year old. Good for her.


  1. That poll with 91% approval for the State of the Union Address? It's from a year ago.

    Yeah, I fell for this, too. Katie Couric on the attached CBS news clip should have been a dead giveaway.

  2. So did I, until I looked at the Raw Story post (they got it wrong in the first place, then added an update but didn't pull the story). I think anyone who's ever written a check early in the year can understand how easy it is.

    But the reason I posted this is that Maddow went with it last night, and she's usually better than that.

  3. I think anyone who's ever written a check early in the year can understand how easy it is.

    Yeah. I think I'm still making that mistake.

    But the reason I posted this is that Maddow went with it last night, and she's usually better than that.

    She is. I'm surprised.

  4. EYep, she is, immediately after the forty-five second infomercial on the benefits to society of "fracking".

    You shouldn't be surprised.

  5. I suppose she could refuse those ads, though she doesn't produce them.

    (Obama, of course, inserted a paean to fracking in the State of the Union. And the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, Andrew Cuomo, will almost certainly become the nominee by approving fracking in New York State and then raking in all that sweet, sweet campaign cash. So we have a ways to go in this fight.)

  6. I'm almost certain that Heidi Klum is dating Bat Boy.

  7. Really? I thought they got divorced.
