Friday, April 23, 2004

If you were wondering how long it would take for the right-wing character-assassination machine to start trying to smear the people responsible for the publication of those casket photos, well, the wait is over:

GI Casket Photog Sued Cheney in 2000

A cargo handler in Kuwait fired from her job this week for photographing the caskets of GIs killed in Iraq, along with the friend who helped her get the photograph published in the Seattle Times, say their decision to go public had nothing to do with politics.

But it turns out that four years ago the duo, Tami Silicio and Amy Katz, sued Halliburton, then run by Vice President Dick Cheney, naming Cheney in the suit....

--NewsMax (of course)

Here's the site of the radio host who, according to NewsMax, "unearthed" the story. (I'm sure "unearthed" in this case means "read off a fax from the 202 area code.")

Oh, and Silicio once leveled charges of sexual harassment against co-workers who called her "bitch" and "whore" and told them a woman had no business driving a truck. The nerve!

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