Friday, April 23, 2004

I found this over at the right-wing site Men's News Daily:

Bush Campaign Throwing 'Party for the President'

The Bush campaign is organizing a "National Party for the President Day" on Thursday, April 29 at 8:00 p.m. EST to allow supporters to gather together in unity behind President George W. Bush.

"Across the country, supporters of President Bush will gather in homes, restaurants and community centers to stand up for our President," Bush campaign manager Ken Mehlman wrote in an e-mail to Bush supporters recently....

Mehlman said their party "will include a conference call with a senior [Bush] campaign leader" at 8:30 p.m. EST....

Even Vice President Dick Cheney is encouraging people to join him in the "National Party for the President Day" to cheer on the president to victory in November.

"On that day, I will be joining thousands of parties across the country on a live conference call to talk about the clear choice voters face this November and the importance of the grassroots effort that will lead us to victory," Cheney revealed. "The President and I are counting on grassroots activists, like you, to act on the commitment we all share."

Cheney said he will try to call as many of the parties as possible on April 29....

Note that April 29 is the date of the Bush-Cheney conjoined appearance before the 9/11 commission.

The press release is dated April 9. The date of the testimony was announced on April 20. Perhaps the campaign planned all this without knowing that the Bush-Cheney testimony would happen the same day. Yet, cynical SOB that I am, I don't think this is a coincidence.

But I can't figure out what the point is -- is this just meant to pump up the base on a day that (we certainly hope) will have embarrassing press coverage? Or do the Bushies think that local news crews will do remotes from these parties, the way local-news sports guys will do a remote from a sports bar during the seventh game of the World Series?

Whatever the point is, these people have way too much money to toss around.

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