Tuesday, April 27, 2004

If Drudge is giving Kerry grief again for allegedly getting an expensive haircut, I guess it's time to point out again (as I did back in December '02) that George W. Bush may not spend freely on haircuts, but he likes (and has bought) Loveless cowboy boots. (UPDATE: Sorry -- I misread that; Bush's father was the boot buyer.)

Loveless boots ain't cheap (and are pretty damn fancy-schmancy) -- according to the current price list, here's the low end:

Mulehide $550.00

Waterbuffalo $550.00

African Wildebeast $550.00

and here's the high end:

African Hornback Crocodile $1,700.00

Alligator Tops and Bottoms $3,550.00

African Hornback Crocodile Tops and Bottoms $3,550.00

Wonder which ones our "regular-guy" president president's father owns.