Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Alan Greenspan, whore:

...In speeches and testimony, Mr. Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, is piecing together a theory about debt that departs from traditional views and even from fears he has himself expressed in the past.

In the 1990's, Mr. Greenspan implored President Bill Clinton to lower the budget deficit and tacitly condoned tax increases in doing so. Today, with the deficit heading toward a record of $500 billion, he warns more emphatically about the risks of raising taxes than about shortfalls over the next few years....

This view is good news for President Bush's re-election prospects....

--New York Times

No! Do you really think so?

Here's a bit of the "reasoning" behind this:

Mr. Greenspan's view is that household balance sheets are "in good shape," and perhaps stronger than ever, because the value of people's homes and stock portfolios have risen faster than their debts.

Great -- the market's been tanking recently and housing starts just took an unexpected drop.

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