Monday, July 07, 2003

President Bush has urged Iraqis to try to kill American troops. Now General Tommy Franks has done the same thing:

‘Bring ’Em On’: Retiring Gen. Franks Stands Behind Bush’s Words

T A M P A , Fla., July 7— Gen. Tommy Franks leaves his top spot at U.S. Central Command repeating President Bush's taunt to Iraqi militants: "Bring 'em on."

On the last day of his command, Franks told ABCNEWS'
Good Morning America that he agreed with the president's comment, and he doesn't think more U.S. troops are needed to deal with the recent spate of attacks against American forces.

"The fact is, wherever we find criminals, death squads and so forth who are anxious to do damage to this country and to peace-loving countries around the world, I absolutely agree with the president of the United States: 'bring 'em on," Franks said....

--ABC News

I'm sure the troops thank him for that.