Monday, June 23, 2003

[In] reported remarks to his cabinet yesterday, [Ariel Sharon] was quoted as saying Israel should continue building in the occupied territories but keep quiet about it, even though the plan requires Israel to stop settlement-building.

Mr Sharon was said to have made the remarks during a stormy cabinet session....

Mr Sharon reportedly said that people living in settlements to be evacuated could stay in the West Bank and move to older settlements which do not have to be evacuated. He reportedly said new homes could be built, which appears to contravene the call for a freeze on construction.

--Independent (U.K.)

Amazing. And see this Ha'aretz column by Gideon Levy, in which he declares flatly that the current evacuations of Israeli settlements are a farce: "Sharon has evacuated a few caravans and evicted a few dozen radical settlers from one point to another in the occupied territories..."

(Links via Cursor.)