Friday, September 27, 2024


What advice did Nicholas Kristof give liberals late last month?
... since 2016, the liberal impulse has been to demonize anyone at all sympathetic to Donald Trump as a racist and bigot. This has been politically foolish, for it’s difficult to win votes from people you’re disparaging.

It has also seemed to me morally offensive....

By all means denounce Trump, but don’t stereotype and belittle the nearly half of Americans who have sided with him....

Since the Obama presidency, Democrats have increasingly become the party of the educated, and the upshot has often been a whiff of condescension toward working-class voters, especially toward voters of faith.
Kristof quoted Bill Clinton's Democratic convention speech, in which the former president said, “I urge you to meet people where they are.”

Do you know "where they are," these "voters of faith" Kristof and Clinton urge us not to "demonize"? These Trump voters are cheering as Democrats are literally being demonized, especially the Democratic nominee for president.

Here's some news about an upcoming campaign stop in Pennsylvania:
U.S. Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, is scheduled to appear in Monroeville on Saturday at a town hall meeting hosted by Christian broadcaster Lance Wallnau. The event is scheduled for the Monroeville Convention Center....
That would be this Lance Wallnau:
Shorty after President Joe Biden announced in July that he would not be running for reelection and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, self-proclaimed Christian nationalist and unabashed Trump cultist Lance Wallnau immediately began posting videos in which he warned that Harris represents “the spirit of Jezebel” and declared that she is “the devil’s choice.”

“What you’re seeing now is a real Jezebel,” Wallnau declared. “When you’ve got somebody operating in manipulation, intimidation and domination—especially when it’s in a female role trying to emasculate a man who is standing up for truth—you’re dealing with the Jezebel spirit. ... So, with Kamala, you have a Jezebel spirit, a characteristic in the Bible that is the personification of intimidation, seduction, domination and manipulation.”

“She can look presidential,” he continued. “That’s the seduction of what I would say is witchcraft. That’s the manipulation of imagery that creates an impression contrary to the truth, but it seduces you into seeing it. So that spirit, that occult spirit, I believe is operating on her and through her.”
When Harris triumphed in her debate with Trump, Wallnau said witchcraft was the reason:

And it's not just Harris and ABC that are tools of the devil (and comparable to Hitler's Nuremburg rallies):

Wallnau is
a strategist and the public face of the revolutionary movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation, is best known for his advocacy of the 7 Mountain Mandate, which is the idea that Christians are called to conquer seven “mountains” of society to achieve religious and political dominion: government, family, religion, arts & entertainment, media, education, and business.

Wallnau says he’s engaged in “the battle for the mountain of government.”
Wallnau's allies include Charlie Kirk, Steve Bannon, and the folks behind that discredited 2000 Mules documentary your right-wing relatives never stop quoting, Catherine Engelbrecht and True the Vote.

The mainstream media won't tell you much about Wallnau, even though Wallnau believes the media is full of demons and comparable to the Nazi regime.

Maybe a reporter will ask Vance about some of Wallnau's more incendiary statements, although the response will undoubtedly be Vance's stock evasion whenever it's pointed out that he's consorting with extremists: Just because I talk to someone doesn't mean I agree with everything they say. It would be better just to quote what Wallnau says at length.

Sixteen years ago, John McCain rejected the endorsement of a preacher named John Hagee after anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic statements by Hagee were widely reported in the media. By 2018, Hagee, who insists he's a friend of the Jews and Israel, was delivering the benediction at the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem, which had been moved there by Donald Trump, and the media barely said a word. Five years later, Hagee spoke at Nikki Haley's campaign kickoff, and Haley said, “Pastor Hagee, I still say I want to be you when I grow up.” Again, nothing from the media. So don't expect The New York Times or The Washington Post to quote Wallnau at length anytime soon.

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