Friday, July 19, 2024


I watched only portions of Donald Trump's speech last night. According to the stories I'm reading, the second part of the speech was was nasty and boring -- I caught some of that, and it was -- but the first part was moving, healing, and unifying.
The "new" Donald Trump soothed and silenced the nation for 28 minutes last night. Then the old Trump returned and bellowed, barked and bored America for 64 minutes more.
But that supposedly soothing portion of the speech climaxed -- if that's the right word -- with the bloody-shirt moment when the uniform of Casey Comperatore, the firefighter who was killed in the attempted assassination of Trump, was displayed onstage. First Trump pointed to it as if we were in the 1980s again and he was showing off the scale model of a proposed building project.

Then he shuffled over and gave Comperatore's helmet a kiss, after which he stood over the uniform and pointed at it again, as if to say, "See this? This is mine."

As a nation, we've just accepted the fact that Trump literally hugs and kisses flags -- I know that liberals find this repellent, but the rest of the culture seems to just shrug and say, "Well, he's just displaying his patriotism." It's weird, and Trump kissing the helmet last night was weird. More people need to say that.

And we should tie it to what was, if only briefly, the lowest moment in Trump's political career: the release of the Access Hollywood tape.
I moved on her like a bitch....

You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything.
That's what he's doing to the flags. That's what he did to the uniform. That's what he did to E. Jean Carroll. Sex and possessiveness. And then he brags. And America just lets him do it.

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