Sunday, June 02, 2024


Every rank-and-file Republican in America agrees with Will Scharf:
Will Scharf, an attorney for former President Donald Trump, insisted Sunday that the Biden administration was firmly behind Trump’s prosecution even as ABC’s George Stephanopoulos pushed back on that idea.

Speaking on “This Week,” Scharf responded to Stephanopoulos saying, “Of course, the attorney general of Manhattan has nothing to do with the Department of Justice,” by arguing in response: “I vehemently disagree that the district attorney in New York was not politically motivated here, and I vehemently disagree that President Biden and his political allies aren’t up to their necks in this prosecution.”

... “I completely disagree that this has nothing to do with President Biden,” Scharf said.
Here's my question: If Biden has the legal system rigged, why couldn't he rig the system to prevent this?
Hunter Biden, 54, is scheduled to stand trial this week in a federal court in Delaware on charges that he failed to disclose his drug addiction on a form when buying a gun in 2018.

... the trial is the most serious legal problem facing him since Mr. Biden was elected to the presidency.
If you were an all-powerful president -- so powerful that you could order up a political opponent's indictment and conviction on all charges in a county court you don't control -- wouldn't you also order a federal court in your home state to drop charges against your beloved fuckup son, or at least delay his trial until after the November election? (Actually, wouldn't you have seen to it that the plea deal he made last year went through?)

But, of course, a skilled system rigger wouldn't have allowed the three most serious Trump trials, two of which are federal, to be delayed until after the election. And this is why right-wing conspiracy theories infuriate me: because they're stupid. People who think they're the savvy ones believe in conspiracies that don't stand up to the slightest scrutiny.

And the same goes for the core conspiracy of Trump Republicans: the alleged rigging of the 2020 presidential election. While Democrats won back the White House, they lost Senate races they hoped to win in North Carolina (by less than 2 points), Maine (despite an easy Biden victory), South Carolina (where a well-funded challenger was tied in some polls with incumbent Lindsey Graham), and Texas (where many polls showed a tight race). If the Democratic Party could have rigged a couple of those elections, why were they left unrigged? This meant that Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema had disproportionate power in the first two years of the Biden presidency.

Also, Democrats lost 13 seats in the House in 2020. And they failed to take control of legislatures in states such as Pennsylvania and Texas, where they hoped for big wins. They're really incompetent riggers.

Unless -- I know this sounds crazy, but hear me out -- the elections were free and fair, and only some of them went the Democrats' way because that's how voters legitimately voted. But to Republicans, that sounds like a conspiracy theory.

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