Wednesday, May 24, 2023


Last night, when I wrote about Ron DeSantis's upcoming Twitter campaign launch with Elon Musk, I overlooked one detail: DeSantis plans to follow the Twitter session with a Fox News interview.

So I guess I was wrong to speculate that DeSantis and Rupert Murdoch have broken up. However, their relationship does seem to be on the rocks. Here are the stories on the front page of that are seen as more important than DeSantis's announcement and interview. First, the top story at the site:

Bud Light. Yes, still.

Next row:

An attack on Congressman Adam Schiff (whom all Fox viewers despise) by a Republican backbencher, a "crime is out of control" story, and a "Chicago is out of control" story. Just another day at Fox -- but where's Ron? In the next row?


Joy Behar (all Fox viewers are trained to loathe The View, especially Behar), guns, and a story with a deceiving headline that's meant to make anti-vaxx nuts think young people are dying en masse from "the jab" (these poor kids actually committed suicide).

Still no Ron. Next row, maybe?

Nope. The Murdaugh family (Rupert Murdoch is still a tabloid guy at heart), an attack on CNN (any attack on CNN will get a Fox feature story, even if it's from Jennifer Rubin), and then poor naive Bernie Sanders, who thinks the way to connect with The People is to reach out to the Fox audience (it won't work, Bernie).

And now, finally...

Ron! At last! Right next to ... um, the weather.

And yes, it's an interview on Fox, but it's not with either of the remaining prime-time stars (Hannity, Ingraham), or with a rising star like Jesse Watters or Greg Gutfeld. It's with the weird-head guy who used to be in Congress!

Gowdy has a Sunday night show on Fox that gets about a million viewers per episode -- which is fine, I guess, but it's about a third of Tucker Carlson's old audience. And pairing DeSantis with a guy who's literally regarded at Fox as not ready for prime time conveys the message that DeSantis isn't either.

This is embarrassing. But I guess DeSantis will take whatever crumbs Murdoch is willing to dish out, just to be seen on his favorite channel.

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