Tuesday, April 25, 2023


News from Sudan:
U.N. officials said Tuesday that one side in the Sudan conflict has seized control of a national health lab in the capital of Khartoum that holds biological material, calling it an “extremely dangerous” development....

Dr. Nima Saeed Abid, the World Health Organization’s representative in Sudan, expressed concerns that “one of the fighting parties” — he did not identify which one — had seized control of the central public health laboratory in Khartoum and “kicked out all of the technicians.”

“That is extremely, extremely dangerous because we have polio isolates in the lab. We have measles isolates in the lab. We have cholera isolates in the lab,” he told a U.N. briefing in Geneva by video call from Port Sudan. “There is a huge biological risk associated with the occupation of the central public health lab in Khartoum by one of the fighting parties.”
This was the lead story on the Fox News website earlier today -- and it probably won't surprise you that the news makes Fox commenters want to round up the usual suspects -- China, the World Economic Forum, George Soros, and the Democratic Party -- even though none of them are responsible for this:
Amazing how all of the risks of lab leaks and need for WHO and CDC all just rapidly appeared in 2020. For my 50 years of life prior to that all was quiet on a global scale. It’s almost as if it’s a manufactured threat.


The WHO is an organization of global elites who are determined to end freedom as it exists. If we don’t voluntarily submit they will kill us through their virus program.


Covid was a cooperative effort between the Democrat-Communist Party and the Chinese Communist Party to assure that Trump would not be re-elected. The temporary destruction of the economy was the means to an end.


Dems: Never let a crisis go to waste.


Covid was all done by "the swamp" to oust trump. Remember, fauci said in '17 that trump would face a pandemic. Obviously he knew, as there is a paper trail with him funding it. For some reason, no investigation of that. Of course, they are very busy worried about some checks trump's accountant wrote several years ago.


U.S. through Fauci was providing some funding to the Wuhan lab - I hope that's not what we're doing all over the world.


That is correct. Off budget funds given to Fauci and his NIH by Obama. Around three million. Not a lot, but enough to get the job done.


That would explain what the old Kenyan Obama was doing visiting Wuhan labs in 2019. Added that Pelosi also visited the same lab 1 month later in November. That was one month before China let loose the virus.
(Nancy Pelosi visited China in 2015, not 2019, and didn't go to Wuhan. Reports that Barack Obama visited a lab in Wuhan are based on a photo taken at a National Institutes of Health lab in Maryland in 2014, contrary to what Ted Nugent posted on Facebook in 2020.)
... as a matter of fact sometime in the mid to late part of May, Biden will be at a global meeting trying to give away American sovereignty to WHO. They tried this last year but a small country, I believe it was Botswana decided at the last minute to pull out of the agreement and therefore the whole thing fell apart. Let's hope in May that America or some other country realizes that giving all the power to ONE man who runs a global organization will literally change the World as We know it.


Biden just announced he running so they need to be sure he gets at least 100 million votes while they shut everything down with a new pandemic and do all mail in or electronic voting for the next election.


Biden was onboard when the globalists were talking about WHO having the power to regulate the entire world for a ‘health crisis’ or anything else they deemed a crisis. This means travel restrictions, mandates for masks for example, possible martial law etc. The US and other countries forced to do whatever ‘they’ deem necessary, and countries would be required to obey. This would lead to complete control and a New World Order which is the goal of Marxists/globalists.


Why would you have a lab like this in a country like that?

Why would you allow a lab like that to be vulnerable to occupation?


Too easy.. To control the leaks, the narrative, power, population (control), global dominance, and so on. Next question?


To Guarantee a 2024 election?


Because there are NO coincidences. This chess game reveals all once checkmate is complete. That win is glogal communism rebranded by the WEF, UN, WHO and the billionaires housed in international corporations. Xi is harnessing it all - just needs America fully brought to heel. Its a shame the comatose lobotomized lefty masses are running over the cliff like lemmings.


Because Biden and the Socialist/China Communist loving Democrats..Who don’t know what a true Democracy is..want to help the Globalist fanatics and Communist China take over the world..Freedom loving Americans and the American US Constitution stand in the way of one party global rule..wake up Americans stand up for our rights as free country..for all the world of freedom seeking countries to stand up with..do not allow Biden’s Socialist Democrat fanatics in our congress to destroy America’s values of freedom..liberty..justice for all to enjoy..stand up for our children’s rights..parents rights.. many traitors ..deceivers..power grabbing socialist democrat corporations control Biden like a puppet..they want to mentally and physically control all Americans into submission..authoritarian rule..it is happening now ..vote out all socialist democrats..or lose America and Freedom..our Rights..gone...


Imagine that. They’ll be able to release it right before the elections for mail in ballots.


Why do they put these “labs” in countries that are not only unstable, but also unfriendly?


So they can point the finger at someone else when the planned culling happens.


Because that way democrats can acquire these viruses to unleash during election time and continue to steal the elections while everyone is dying and running in fear. Haven’t you been paying attention?


The UN is in the business of global collapse. They make $billions supporting this agenda. Destruction of the world’s nation state structure is their prime goal.


Timing is just about right to correspond with the 2024 presidential election, especially since today Slow Joe announced his intent to run again.
Tucker Carlson is gone, but the Fox audience is still crazy. I'm not sure the damage done by the right-wing media over the past couple of decades can be undone.

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