Thursday, February 23, 2023


Don Lemon has now returned to CNN after saying last week that Nikki Haley "isn't in her prime" because she's over the age of 50. Whether you agree or disagree with CNN's decision to welcome Lemon back, rest assured that right-wing pundits think you're evil.

Former Fox host Megyn Kelly told fellow Fox alum Glenn Beck that CNN is evil for not firing Lemon:
"I thought, 'that is the face of a black gay male is uncancellable,'" Kelly [said] and claimed if Beck had "said anything close to as misogynistic as what he said," he would already be fired.

She added that because Lemon was Black, gay, liberal and a man, he allegedly gets "protections that the rest of America doesn't get."
But at, Tammy Bruce countered that liberals are evil because we want Lemon fired.
... almost immediately the cancel culture mob had formed. As someone who has worked most of her adult life advocating for women, I agree that pushing back on bigotry like this that demeans women is a must. However, demanding that Lemon lose his job goes too far. Firing him would normalize the expectation that someone will be professionally and personally annihilated for a dumb comment, backward attitude, or unapproved opinion.

Courtesy of bloodthirsty Marxists disguised as American liberals, the scourge of cancel culture has been charging through Western civilization like a monster truck speeding through the Mojave Desert, with piles of hapless victims smashing against the windshield at record pace.
(I'm pretty sure a monster truck speeding through the Mojave Desert would hit very few people, given the fact that the Mojave is, y'know, a desert. But I guess I'm just being an evil liberal who wants to cancel Bruce's metaphor.)
For conservatives and the increasing numbers of classical liberals who have spoken out against the cancerous nature of cancel culture, we need to resist indulging in the temptation of schadenfreude. Lemon’s latest foot-in-mouth episode presents a perfect opportunity to stand against his presumed annihilation and be consistent with our rejection of the left’s attempt to train us all into becoming cancel culture assassins.
So now we're assassins who kill people with cancer, or maybe with monster trucks. Have I got that right?

But we're evil even if we don't want to run Lemon over with a tumor:
While many expect Lemon’s career to be over, CNN Chairman Chris Licht thought a different approach is warranted.... Licht said in a memo to CNN staff: "’I sat down with Don and had a frank and meaningful conversation. He has agreed to participate in formal training...."

Licht’s attitude is a perfect example of how to proceed without bending to the mob that wants someone stoned to death because they expressed wrongthink.
(Just to recap: Now we're stoning him. With a tumor. From a monster truck.)
But with this step away from cancel culture, a bigger question emerges from his announcement. What is the "formal training" Lemon will now undergo?

"Training" like this is something that the left has concocted to reinforce fear and insecurity in the minds of every American. Such training is not meant to solve a problem, but rather to normalize the notion that people who hold or express forbidden opinions are psychologically disturbed and must be treated as such. That is the goal of the left. Not solving, but using a situation to further their agenda of fear, division and control.
So according to Megyn Kelly, we're depraved if Lemon isn't fired, but according to Tammy Bruce, we're totalitarians if Lemon merely sits through a training session. We are irredeemable!

Meanwhile, over at Breitbart, John Nolte says that right-wingers should forgive Jane Fonda for her trip to North Vietnam in 1972, for which she's apologized many times:
Should someone who has repeatedly apologized over four decades still be called on the carpet and asked to continue to explain herself?

I don’t think so, and I say that as someone who is not a fan of Jane Fonda the person....

I will tell you right now that half the problems in this country stem from refusals to accept apologies.
I'm sure it won't surprise you that Nolte is saying he wants to forgive Fonda so he can attack the left for what he regards as a worse crime:
All of America’s manufactured racial problems come down to a group of leftists (of all colors) who refuse to forgive and move on when it comes to slavery and Jim Crow. It’s not enough that hundreds of thousands of white Americans died to settle the matter of slavery. It’s not enough that after 5,000 generations where slavery was accepted as normal, it was Western Civilization that put an end to it. It’s not enough that two Constitutional amendments were passed to end American discrimination or that a black president was elected and re-elected, or that no American living today has ever owned or been a slave.

Why is it not enough?

Because with these race hustlers, fascists, and crybabies, it can never be enough. By not accepting America’s countless apologies and countless attempts to atone, they keep us divided, at each other’s throats, angry, and unable to heal.
But besides reminding us that the right thinks the only dangerous form of racism is pointing racism out, this draws our attention to the fact that right-wingers -- who rail against "cancel culture" at every opportunity -- would love to cancel Jane Fonda, and have wanted to cancel her for half a century. In fact, it's killing them that they can't cancel her, because evil liberal Hollywood keeps giving her work (which evil ordinary citizens pay to see). The Breitbart commenters hate Nolte's column, even though it attacks liberals as "race hustlers, fascists, and crybabies," because canceling Jane Fonda is still a top agenda item for them:
The motion passes, Jane Fonda can get a traitors welcome in hell.


She should have been executed, not trying her for treason was a mistake.


The face of Hanoi Jane remains on the urinal screen at our Legion Post to encourage veterans to aim a little more carefully.
FJB and Fonda too!


I don't even know why we HAVE a CIA if she doesn't just get disappeared
So they'd clearly like to mow her down in the desert with a monster truck that throws cancerous stones made of urine. But it's cancel culture when we want someone to attend a corporate training session.

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