Sunday, December 04, 2022


This is bad:
Much of [North Carolina's] Moore County remains without power following an attack to electrical substations. Authorities have confirmed that at least two substations were damaged by gunfire on Saturday night.

The Moore County Sheriff’s Office said in a Saturday night press release that it is investigating incidents at multiple electric substations in Moore County that were shot up on Saturday night as a “criminal occurrence,” causing more than half the county’s electric customers to lose power....

On Sunday morning, the gate to the West End substation, off N.C. 211 near West Pine Middle School, was lying on the side of the access road. A pole holding up the gate had clearly been snapped off where it meets the ground. The substation’s infrastructure was heavily damaged....

At around midnight Saturday, a reporter on scene could hear and smell oil leaking from the substation. Workers from Duke Energy and authorities from the sheriff‘s office were scanning the the area for bullet casings and other evidence, and vehicles were going through the woods in search of more evidence at the scene.
Approximately forty thousand people lost power as a result of this sabotage.

The Daily Beast reports:
... a local conservative activist who organized a protest against a drag show said on Facebook that she was visited by deputies.

“I welcomed them to my home. Sorry they wasted their time,” Emily Grace Rainey wrote.

“I told them that God works in mysterious ways and is responsible for the outage. I used the opportunity to tell them about the immoral drag show and the blasphemies screamed by its supporters. I told them God is chastising Moore County, thanked them for coming and wished them a good night. Thankful for the LEOs service, as always.”

Two hours earlier, Rainey had posted the message: “The power is out in Moore County and I know why.” And around the same time, she posted a picture of the Sunrise Theater, which was putting on the sold-out drag show, with the caption “God will not be mocked.”
(Emphasis added.)

What, if anything, does Emily Grace Rainey know about this? It's unclear. But she's been a rather active activist over the past two and a half years.

In May 2020, after North Carolina's governor, Roy Cooper, closed public parks to prevent the spread of COVID, Rainey was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor for tearing down the yellow caution tape in one park. Later that year, she was photographed at a county Board of Education meeting with her mask pulled down below her nose, at a time when COVID cases were rising and vaccines were just beginning to be rolled out. At the time she was an Army officer at Fort Bragg; in the photo she's wearing fatigues. She was later investigated by the Army after attending the January 6 protest at the U.S. Capitol, although she says she didn't enter the building and she hasn't been charged with a crime. She subsequently appeared in Tucker Carlson "documentary" Patriot Purge, which suggests that the FBI was behind the day's violence. She's a member of the board of the Education First Alliance NC, which describes itself as "an organization fighting for parental rights and against schools radicalizing and sexualizing children."

Rainey's social media posts are ... interesting. Note the last checked item here:

Here's another interesting checklist, especially #3:

Rainey is the founder of Moore County Citizens for Freedom, which posted this on November 18. Note the caption:

This woman might have absolutely nothing to do with the power plant sabotage. Still, I'm glad I don't live anywhere near her.

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