Wednesday, July 29, 2020


You'd think this would inspire right-wingers to take the coronavirus seriously:
Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Texas Republican who has frequently walked around the Capitol without wearing a face mask or maintaining social distance from others, has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, according to a person familiar with the results.

Gohmert had been scheduled to travel with President Trump aboard Air Force One to Texas on Wednesday but tested positive at the White House and did not join the trip....
It won't matter to them. Right-wingers continue to treat this virus as if it's no big deal. It's rarely serious! It's 100% treatable! It's a hoax! The stats are fake news!

From the comments at Gateway Pundit:
COVID-19 is so horrible that most people have to be tested to even realize that they have it... smh


There are many false positives too.





I betcha Barr is taking HCQ , also seems a bit of a coincidence that Nadler blew up about them not wearing masks. Then the pictures and the news make a big story . Wouldn't be surprised if Louis takes HCQ also could be a set up .Your right retest


COVID-19 is so horrible, it takes control over trucks and sharks and attacks people. That explains why half the people dead of COVID19 are car crash or shark attack victims


These leftists have a severe psychological obsession with masks. It’s truly disturbing.


Masks have essentially become the perfect metaphor for control, virtue signaling, and submission.. So therefore what’s not to like if you’re a Leftist?...


They see it as controlling a person -- having a control/controlling influence over somebody. Leftists are all about that.


Not to worry. They will both have access to hydroxychloroquine, Z-Pac and Zinc.


Pardon me if I question the test.. I think a test from another source is in order.. Interesting the coincidence between Gomer's speech about dems being attached to slavery and should be removed from Government like the names of the military bases and now this....


So who gave it to Mr. Gohmert ?

BTW... a mask will not save you.... just make you sicker !
Also... I have heard a lot of people have tested positive for this cold on the Hill..... but, ......never have I heard of anyone being Hospitalized or even actually showing any symptoms....... I wonder why ?
And at Breitbart:
The timing is suspicious. Was he "given" the virus, or maybe a deliberate "false positive". This test could easily be used as a weapon to sideline people.


He might get the sniffles for a day or two.


hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin & zinc


According to the doctor's using this protocol, it works nearly at 100% when administered early.


Many people are asymptomatic.


Asymptomatic is a good lie to make everyone wear masks. Many are false positive. What about regular coronavirus, the common cold?


Many people never had it and will never get it. Where did SARS go? ALL flu viruses get weaker, ALL of them, it's the natural course. It does NOT EVER "get worse before it gets better".


You know what else works nearly 100 percent of the time, doing nothing because survival is 99.9%


..and how many died from the flu knuck-knuck? That’s right, you don’t know because no one care about those 70K deaths, even with the effing vaccine used. Only COVID lives elect Biden.
The playbook the fossil fuel industry has used in response to climate change -- muddy the waters, create doubt -- is the one being used by right-wing plutocrats in order to get the economy open in spite of the pandemic. With conservative Americans, it's working perfectly: They don't believe the virus is terribly harmful (though masks are), they think the death tolls are exaggerated (everyone who dies with the virus, they'll all tell you, is recorded as having died of the virus), and they believe the disease is completely curable by means of hydroxychloroquine (or a hydroxychloroquine cocktail) -- but "they" (meaning the evil liberals) don't want to allow it.

If you've been asking yourself who's profiting from all this hydroxychloroquine hype, the answer is: all the people who want the economy reopened no matter how many people die.

I don't think every plutocrat is part of this doubt-creating propaganda campaign, but many are. Remember, plutocrats routinely shrug off widespread health damage from corporate pollution, whether in the Third World or in Louisiana's Cancer Alley. They don't care if we die. They want us thinking that precautions are evil and business as usual is better. And they have your right-wing relatives convinced.

It's statistically unlikely that Louie Gohmert will die -- and if he doesn't, that's even more proof to right-wingers that the disease is trivial and the pandemic is a hoax.

Maybe they'll change their minds if more of their ideological heroes die or experience severe illness. (Herman Cain has been in the hospital for a month with Covid, but do they even remember him?) More likely, they'll believe the Deep State was responsible. They'll never come around on this.


UPDATE: It gets worse.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) on Wednesday blamed his positive COVID-19 test on wearing a mask.

Gohmert claimed that "moving the mask around" was "bound to have put some virus on the mask that I soaked in."

... From a July 29 interview on KETK:
... REP. LOUIE GOHMERT (R-TX): There are an awful lot of people that think it's the great thing to do all the time, but I can't help but think that if I hadn't been wearing a mask so much in the last 10 days or so, I really wonder if I would have gotten it.

But I know, you know, moving the mask around, getting it just right, I'm bound to put some virus on the mask that I soaked in. That's most likely what happened.
But there's at least one person in his office who's not part of the idiocracy:

What a debased country this is.

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