Sunday, May 10, 2020


Here are some comments in response to a Gateway Pundit story about Ivanka Trump's personal assistant testing positive for the coronavirus:
This late in the game...makes me think they are doing this on purpose to get to potus and VP


I agree. The President's valet, VP Pence's press secretary, now Ivanka's assistant. Just a bit too obvious now, isn't it?


Something is up!

NO democrat is getting it.

Praying for our great President and his administration.


Excellent point . . . . . . I just do NOT believe in coincidences. Not coincidences of this magnitude. Like this "pandemic" happening this year, an election year, when everything else they used against our President did NOT work. And now this. WE ARE NOT STUPID. Thanks for your post.


And 11 secret service agents! The odds of that happening are just about zero. I personally don't know a single person around me that has it, but somehow there are now at least 14 around the President with it? No way that happened accidentally. They're trying to turn COVID into the "magic bullet" that assassinated Kennedy. We have plenty of video of Dems saying they want to give it to the President.


Same here, yet Trump now seems to be surrounded by infected people. WTH?


Very strange, isn't it? I wonder how they are delivering the virus.


Probably some deep state rat going around licking everything.


The swabs. You think you are just getting tested but really are getting infected. That would explain how goats and paw paw fruit were positive


I heard just by using another person who tests+. A carrier so to speak.


It is TOO coincidental (I hadn't even heard about the 11 secret service agents). All this time, the curve is supposedly falling or at least leveling off, and there's a SURGE of Covid at the Whitehouse.....nonsense.


Makes me wonder about Boris Johnson, who got it so bad that he was in the ICU. Is somebody botching the viral assassination of populist leaders?


Anyone want to venture a guess that Trump and Pence are on HCQ as a prophylactic? This tactic could be seen coming from a mile away. Find out how to get Trump or pence infected.


I said something like that the other night. This getting so obvious that now I wonder who is volunteering to be the "Typhoid Mary(s)" for the Demwits?


They have been trying from the beginning to get this crap in the WH. Remember the Chinese reporter in the press pool?


Not to mention, the congress critters are safely adjourned. Q said they were off, but not due to CV.


Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.


That was my first thought as well
“By any means necessary”


Given those of us with common sense who can face reality and also KNOW this virus was released DELIBERATELY, it is obvious now that our President and Vice President are being directly targeted. THIS IS NOT ACCIDENTAL. Now someone close to Ivanka? Something very, very nefarious is going on here.


You watch if President Trump loses there will be no Coronavirus around. Nobody will ever tell me it's not a bio weapon.


Your choices:

(a) Tests engineered to show a false positive.
(b) She was infected on purpose to try and get the President sick.
(c) All of the above.


All the above.


You pass!
I like that last exchange because the commenter offers two mutually exclusive options, then says both are true.

In early March, Vanity Fair reported that "Trump told aides he’s afraid journalists will try to purposefully contract coronavirus to give it to him on Air Force One." If he ever tests positive, it looks as if a lot of his fans will immediately assume he was infected by a saboteur.

Of course, the president now has ample reason to increase the precautions he takes. Yet he won't even wear a mask.

But if the virus gets him, it'll be his enemies' fault, according to (I fear) millions of Americans.

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