Tuesday, May 26, 2020


In the last presidential election, the right tried to persuade us that Hillary Clinton was at death's door. You'll recall this, from October 2015:

With Joe Biden, they've mostly tried to persuade us that he's in the advanced stages of dementia -- but I see from Gateway Pundit that they also want us to believe he's too physically debilitated to serve.
Video of Biden Looking Very Frail at Veterans Memorial Sparks Concerns Over His Health

This is why Biden has been hiding in his basement for months.

Creepy Joe left his Delaware basement for the first time in over two months on Monday....

A video of 77-year-old Biden looking very frail sparked concerns over his health.

Biden shuffled his feet and gripped his wife’s hand as he walked over to his car as he was leaving the veterans memorial in Delaware.

One observer said, “People suffering from dementia often have a certain distinct walk. This is what it looks like.”

Is it true that there's a distinct dementia walk? If so, I'm looking at AP footage from the same event, and Biden doesn't seems to have that walk. His gait seems perfectly normal.

The moments captured in the tweet also appear in the YouTube video, at 1:09. It's a tighter shot, so we don't get to see Biden's walk. But nothing looks particularly abnormal. Is it possible that the video in the tweet is doctored to make Biden look frail and hesitant when he isn't?

Imagine what these people would say if Biden walked down three steps as tentatively as Trump did in Korea last year:

Imagine if Biden demanded a golf cart to travel 700 yards for a photo op, the way Trump did at the G7 in Sicily in 2017.

Well, now we know that they're going to work this angle, too. They're going to throw everything they have at him.

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