Monday, October 28, 2019


A terrible story:
Former Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan, who had been ill for years due to a tick-borne illness that caused brain inflammation, died Monday at 66.

Hagan, a moderate Democrat who represented North Carolina, beat powerful incumbent Republican Elizabeth Dole to win her seat in 2008, before losing to Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., in 2014....

Hagan was hospitalized in 2016 with encephalitis, or swelling of the brain. A family spokeswoman described the cause as a virus that's spread by ticks from animals to humans, citing a doctor who had been treating her. Test results indicated Hagan contracted what's known as the Powassan virus....

Hagan's recovery was slow, though her family said she had improved significantly. In mid-2017 her family said she “clearly understands what people say to her and recognizes her friends when they come to visit." ...

Hagan advocated for deficit reduction and her state's agricultural industry while still voting with Democrats on major legislation including the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, known as the stimulus package.
The story is at, based on an AP report. Hagan died way too young, from a condition for which there's no real treatment.

On a day when Democrats are being excoriated for either heckling President Trump at the ballpark or praising the hecklers, here's the reaction in the Fox comments to Hagan's death:
Democrats are dropping like flies this past week.
I don't know what they're doing but I like it.


another corrupt socialist bites the dust!


Democrats are soulless. Sorry for her family. I hope she got right with God. If she was an abortion proponent...


2nd Democrat this week to go belly up. Looking like it's going to be a great week for America!


Wish this would’ve been one of the other Dems. Kay wasn’t like today’s Dems/socialists.


Must be because of all the ticks the Conservatives are sending them. Got mine ready to pop into the mail. Addressed to Nancy and Schiff head.


The "hatred" from conservatives on here is nothing more than a result of the years of hate and spite we have had to endure from Godless democrats as we have had to sit back and watch them purposely destroy our nation.

Should it be? No. But that is the why of it all. So, tell them to cool their jets if they don't like it, ok? And may God find something in her heart to bless her for.


Many libs die early due to the toll liberalism places on them.


Was she associated with the Clintons?


Powassan virus, is that what Pocahontas Warren has?


Shame on Al Gore for inventing Powassan's virus.


Cummings, Conyers, Hagan. All corrupt democrats. All have died recently.

Is God up to something or is this just a very lucky break for Americans?


I hope she did not have TDS [Trump Derangement Syndrome], bad way to spend your last years on this earth. Ask Elijah...oh wait...too late.


C'mon, we need RBG to go, along with many of the Democrat leadership in the House and Senate.

Lord, save this country from the forces of evil!


I feel for the tick.


First Cummings, now up, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Charlie Rangel, Bobby Rush, and so many others from this generation...not to mention the NAACP. I say good your race baiting, fear mongering, and the racial division and chaos created by all of you throughout American History. America will be more united and much better off when you are all long gone from America's memory. And yet I smile!


Wow. Pelosi should do more outdoors activities.


Democrats...the ticks that America can't seem to shake...not even with an X-tra Large Hertz collar!


Hillary has her own trained ticks she sigs on people


I thought they all had brain swelling?


Cummings, Conyers, and Hagan. A good start. But there's plenty of others that God needs to take care of like Schumer, Pelosi, The Squad, Schiff, Nader, and others.

May the Good Lord take the lovers and doers of evil quickly, that this land might be saved from the powers of The Evil One.


The joy we have of the deaths of these evil people is just like the joy we had over the deaths of Osama bin Laden and the death of the leader of ISIS.

The deaths of the wicked are always something to rejoice about.

Joe and Mika, your thoughts?

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