Tuesday, August 27, 2019


In the news:
An Oklahoma judge on Monday ruled against Johnson & Johnson in the state’s opioid case, forcing the company to pay $572 million in the first ruling in the U.S. holding a drugmaker accountable for helping fuel the epidemic.
The opioid crisis has devastated small-town and rural America. Surely the heartlanders who comment at Free Republic are cheering this verdict ... right?

Blame shifting by greedy government bureaucrats against a perfect scapegoat. Illicit market is booming and the government wins on both ends. We all know the government is making a ton off the war on drugs and it will never end.


Well the libs got their wish. All the drug companies will soon be out of business.


Everybody losses on this one. The only winner is the bloated federal government by whose ever expanding tyranny is the REAL perp.

When the mostly unconstitutional government wins, We the People lose.


Great news, unless you suffer debilitating pain. You’ll just have to suffer, or find a drug dealer on the street somewhere...


Guess who increased the opioid production limits in 2012 by about 40%? DEA of course. Government is great at entrapment schemes.


Bad precedent as this sets up gun and ammo makers as the next targets.


And beer, liquor & wine. “J.D. killed my son!”


I don’t like J&J due to their leftist views. Still this one is wrong.


The Judiciary is destroying the country.


Alcohol gun, and ammo makers have some statutory limited immunity, but we all know that the leftists will use these types of cases to challenge protections in addition to red flag laws.


Pennies on the dollar for the claimants and millions for the lawyers............
The same thing for the states who won millions of dollars from the tobacco industry while their state hired attorneys collected millions simply for providing the information that was already garnered from the lawsuits down south.........


sure, all these people demanding more pills and they escape any responsibility.....
just like smoking...no matter what, it is not, never was, nor ever shall be the fault of the smoker....smokers, btw, ALWAYS get their breaks...

oh to be favored in this county.....

smokers/druggies favored.....overweight??...its your own darn fault you lazy cow...


I know we have some smart hackers. Found out how this “judge” did with regard to real (e.g. STEM) classes as an undergrad. (Science for poets and football players, no doubt.)

We already know the relationship between reality and liberal law.

Liberal law - “Spooky action at a distance.”


When I lived near Savannah, a lawyer got something like a 9 million dollar judgement for a baby.

He paid the baby $100,000.00 and gave the rest to himself. Fortunately the Probate Judge caught it. He reversed the payments.


THE cause of the opiod crisis was the Obama administration making pain a part of vital signs.

Doctors had to describe these pills if anyone was in pain of face lawsuits and disciplinary actions.


The cause of the opioid crisis was the rise in illegal drug market which was facilitated by government bureaucracies, money laundering banks and the police state.

There weren’t hardly any lawsuits for inadequate pain control, you could list them on your hand.

Sessions was the scumbag that pushed this to the extreme; the leftists and statists in the doj went right along with it becuse they saw easy targets. It’s a lot harder to go after drug lords and gangs; they don’t have addresses and regular bank accounts. The people in these agencies are statists and leftists and don’t want to go up against hardened targets.


What a Racket, I hope Everyone of these Plaintiffs, Jurors, Lawyers and the Judge SUFFER from a Bad Accident or other extremely painful event, and they should ALL be put on a NO OPIOID LIST for the Rest of their miserable lives.

when I was 18 I had a Bad Accident and had a choice to go into a Medical Coma or Take ALL the Percodan(yesterdays oxycontin) I could eat for 3 months. I became very addicted, I went through withdrawls in the Hospital immediately after Surgery. All by CHOICE!!!


J&J simply makes the drugs to relieve pain. Patient’s cannot obtain them without a MD Rx.

Though it would be hard on the public, I hope these companies respond to this govt thievery by going Galt’s Gulch on them. Fire thousands of workers, raze the manufacturing plants, and return it to the state “the way they found it.”
Conservatives never change. They say they're anti-"elitist," and these days they cheer on Tucker Carlson when he occasionally denounces capitalism. But when authorities -- even in a conservative state like Oklahoma -- go after a big corporation, conservatives rush to defend capitalism against the Evil Government, which is the true enemy (and, in their minds, the true epicenter of "elitism," alongside Hollywood and academia). Big Business can do no wrong. That's still a hill conservatives will die on.

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