Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Here's the lead story at The Washington Post:
President Trump placed responsibility for recent stock market declines and this week’s announcement of General Motors plant closures and layoffs on the Federal Reserve during an interview Tuesday, shirking any personal blame for cracks in the economy and declaring that he is “not even a little bit happy” with his hand-selected central bank chairman....

Sitting at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, Trump also threatened to cancel his scheduled meeting with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin at a global summit this week in Argentina because of Russia’s maritime clash with Ukraine....

Trump also dismissed the federal government’s landmark report released last week finding that damage from global warming is intensifying around the country.
This is a write-up of "a wide-ranging and sometimes discordant 20-minute interview" with Trump. The front page of the Post's website calls this an "exclusive" -- but I see that Trump also gave an interview to Politico yesterday, in which he "said he would 'totally be willing' to shut down the government over border wall funding if Democrats don't budge."

Trump is going through withdrawal.

Democrats gained 40 House seats in the midterms. The Russia investigation is yielding new revelations and could be nearing its conclusion. There's a lot of talk in the political media about possible 2020 presidential candidates, not all of them Democrats.

It was obviously much more fun to be Donald Trump in September and October, when there were several ego-boosting campaign rallies every week and he could persuade himself that the "red wave" he'd heard so much about on Fox News was really coming. Now Robert Mueller is breathing down Trump's neck and, perhaps more important, he's not getting his mass-adulation fix every couple of days. He doesn't have the opportunity to regularly hold forth at great length before a rapt audience -- so he calls up reporters, who can give him the closest available approximation.


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