Friday, January 19, 2018


Josh Marshall says that early polling suggesting that Republicans will be blamed if there's a shutdown is explained, among other things, by the fact that Republicans are identified with shutdowns:
... shutdowns are part of the Republican brand. They invented them as a policy and legislative cudgel. They’ve used them consistently under Democratic presidents. And because Republicans are generally inimical to the idea that government is a positive force in people’s lives and valorize dramatic and high stakes political gambits they have consistently embraced the concept and strategy of government shutdowns. Think about the Cruz/Obamacare shutdown of 2013. There was no hiding it. Shutdowns are awesome. They show our power. You’ll do what we want because we’ll make you. Shutdowns are part of the GOP brand. It’s hard to get around that.
I'm not sure how many ordinary Americans have noticed the pattern. I hope it's a lot. The Washington Post/ABC poll linked above suggests that that might be the case.

And maybe non-Republican voters have noticed that rank-and-file Republicans -- including some of their neighbors and relatives -- really hate government and are probably rooting for a shutdown. Here are some of the responses in a Free Republic thread titled "At Midnight Tonight,The Federal Government Will Shutdown. What Will You Do?"
Sleep. There is absolutely no problem with having a “shutdown.”


I might get up and pour a toast.


Me? I’ll sleep like a baby. My life does not rest on what the government may or may not do. Sheesh.


Go about my life as normal. So far none of these “shutdowns” have had any direct impact on me.


What if they shut down the government and no one notices? Or cares?


Sleep very soundly and then next day, rejoice and be glad.

We need to see the unconstitutional 80% portion of the federal government go away. We in our respective States, need to be INDEPENDENT of the feds more than ever. Hope this helps.


I guarantee - The sun will rise tomorrow.

These politicians are so arrogant to believe life will end without their precious government.




Make a little love to my gorgeous wife. ;0)


Pop the Champaign and celebrate,


Feinstein said people will die.

I’ll be checking the obituaries ...



What do you mean, Government shutdown????

You mean the government HAS been working????

The only one I know of that has done a damn thing is the president...
They like the alleged strongman president. They hate government. They love the breakdown of civil society. And maybe some of their neighbors understand that now.

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