Tuesday, April 04, 2017


Media Matters has posted a partial transcript of a video conversation between Alex Jones and Roger Stone that was posted to YouTube on March 30. In it, Jones gay-baits Congressman Adam Schiff, to which the bisexual Roger Stone raises no objection.

From the transcript:
JONES: In fact, let me say this right now. Let me tell -- I’m not against gay people. OK. I love them, they’re great folks. But Schiff looks like the archetypal cocksucker with those little deer-in-the-headlight eyes and all his stuff. And there’s something about this fairy, hopping around, bossing everybody around, trying to intimidate people like me and you, I want to tell Congressman Schiff and all the rest of them, “Hey listen asshole, quit saying Roger and I” -- and I’ve never used cussing in 22 years but the gloves are off -- “listen you son of a bitch, what the fuck’s your problem? You want to sit here and say that I’m a goddamn, fucking Russian. You get in my face with that I’ll beat your goddamn ass, you son of a bitch. You piece of shit. You fucking goddamn fucker. Listen fuckhead, you have fucking crossed a line. Get that through your goddamn fucking head. Stop pushing your shit. You’re the people that have fucked this country over and gangraped the shit out of it and lost an election. So stop shooting your mouth off claiming I’m the enemy. You got that you goddamn son of a bitch? Fill your hand.” I’m sorry, but I’m done. You start calling me a foreign agent, those are fucking fighting words. Excuse me.
(Emphasis added here and below.)

Stone says nothing about the gay-baiting, and Jones goes on to say that Schiff is "sucking globalist dick."

Regarding Stone, let's recall what Jeffrey Toobin wrote in a 2008 New Yorker profile:
Stone served as a senior consultant to Bob Dole’s 1996 campaign for President, but that assignment ended in a characteristic conflagration. The National Enquirer, in a story headlined “Top Dole Aide Caught in Group-Sex Ring,” reported that the Stones had apparently run personal ads in a magazine called Local Swing Fever and on a Web site that had been set up with Nydia’s credit card. “Hot, insatiable lady and her handsome body builder husband, experienced swingers, seek similar couples or exceptional muscular . . . single men,” the ad on the Web site stated. The ads sought athletes and military men, while discouraging overweight candidates, and included photographs of the Stones. At the time, Stone claimed that he had been set up by a “very sick individual,” but he was forced to resign from Dole’s campaign. Stone acknowledged to me that the ads were authentic. “When that whole thing hit the fan in 1996, the reason I gave a blanket denial was that my grandparents were still alive,” he said. “I’m not guilty of hypocrisy. I’m a libertarian and a libertine.”
Well, you're guilty of hypocrisy now, Roger.

Bonus obnoxiousness from the Media Matters transcript:
STONE: Yeah, I don’t think I have ever been in a campaign in which we disparage the patriotism of our opponents.
Oh, please. Roger, you've been involved in multiple Republican presidential campaigns going back to Nixon. Every Republican general-election campaign disparages the patriotism of the Democratic opponent. So spare us the piety.

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