Wednesday, February 08, 2017


I wandered over to Breitbart just now and discovered this:
Conservative grassroots leaders are planning a series of massive pro-President Donald Trump rallies nationwide, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

On Feb. 27 and March 4, the rallies -- dubbed the Spirit of America Rallies -- will spring up nationwide in cities and towns across America.

“These rallies are inclusive, non-partisan, and open to anyone supporting President Trump in his efforts to bring back manufacturing jobs to America, put the security of our nation ahead of political correctness, improve our infrastructure, revitalize the inner cities and secure our nation’s borders,” Debbie Dooley, a national co-founder of the Tea Party movement and a key organizer of the Spirit of America rallies, says in a press release obtained by Breitbart News ahead of its public release.
The resistance movement clearly has these folks scared -- the president's job approval rating is underwater in most polls, the news coverage of the president is deservedly awful, and opponents are getting pretty good press. I don't know if the pro-Trumpers can really put big crowds together -- I have my doubts, especially about February 27, which is a Monday, but we'll see. In any case, there's clearly a fear out there that the Trumpers have lost control of the narrative. They can write a lot of executive orders, they can get all their Cabinet picks approved on party-line votes, but we've got them on the defensive. I like that.

TYou may not recognize the name of the woman quoted above, but she gets quite a lot of good press in the mainstream media -- she's pro-solar energy, even though she's a conservative, so she gets headlines such as "The Tea Party Leader Taking a Stand for Solar Energy: 'I Will Do What's Right'" and "The Green Tea Party: Conservative Group Embraces Clean Energy." Go to her Twitter feed and you see a lot about solar, in among the usual right-wing material. But what does she do when faced with an administration that's going to be relentlessly hostile to green energy? She signs on as a propagandist. Maybe she's one of the many dupes who believe that Trump's politics will occasionally veer to the center. Prepare to be disappointed, Debbie.


  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    There is rumor out there of a tentative national strike 17 February, the Friday before the three day "Presidents" Day weekend.

    That oughta' dirty their britches.
    Ten Bears

  2. If they couldn't get people to show up for the president's biggest day, his swearing in....

    I'm still betting by the time it's all said and done Trump will be underwater on job creation as well.

  3. All of Trump supports have jobs so I'm told. I don't expect a lot of them will show up for the pep rallies as they will be too busy working.

  4. They chose a Monday, so that when no one shows up, they can claim their supporters had to work and the press didn't cover it adequately. This is all to drum up support and attention for the Saturday rallies, which they can then proclaim were massive and show the nation stands behind Trump.

  5. I saw a joke on Redditt a few days ago that went "Where will Donald Trump get all those manufacturing jobs he promised his supporters? In Alt-Factories."

    A some time this needs to become a Twitter handle.
