Thursday, January 19, 2017


On Inauguration Day 2009, Barack and Michelle Obama's first dance as president and first lady was to Beyonce singing the Etta James classic "At Last."

"At last my love has coming around...." It's a heartfelt love song.

I'm not sure what song George and Laura Bush chose for their first dance after Bush's inauguration -- you can hear it staring at 1:09 in the video below -- but it sounds like a sentimental old love song.

And BuzzFeed says,
... in 1993, the soft rock band Ambrosia performed “Biggest Part of Me” for President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.
Cheesy 1980s soft-rock, but, yes, it's a love song ("You're the biggest part of me").

So what about Donald and Melania Trump's first dance?
In his first dance as commander in chief, President-elect Trump will take the dance floor with Melania to the tune of Frank Sinatra's "My Way," according to a source with knowledge of the official inaugural balls.
For that first post-inaugural dance with his wife, Trump chose a song that's basically about loving ... oneself. Perfect.

Oh, and:
The Washington Examiner has learned that Trump plans to take the floor as the 45th president at the Liberty Ball just as Nashville-based jazz singer Erin Boehme delivers opening song "Mack the Knife," which will be live broadcast for tens of millions of Americans to watch on TV.

Three Nashville, Tenn., artists, including Boehme, will sing the famous Sinatra song as Trump takes his first dance with his wife at the first scheduled ball.
Wikipedia, tell us about "Mack the Knife":
"Mack the Knife" or "The Ballad of Mack the Knife", originally "Die Moritat von Mackie Messer", is a song composed by Kurt Weill with lyrics by Bertolt Brecht for their music drama Die Dreigroschenoper, or, as it is known in English, The Threepenny Opera....

A moritat (from mori meaning "deadly" and tat meaning "deed") is a medieval version of the murder ballad performed by strolling minstrels. In The Threepenny Opera, the moritat singer with his street organ introduces and closes the drama with the tale of the deadly Mackie Messer, or Mack the Knife, a character based on the dashing highwayman Macheath in John Gay's The Beggar's Opera (who was in turn based on the historical thief Jack Sheppard). The Brecht-Weill version of the character was far more cruel and sinister, and has been transformed into a modern anti-hero.

The play opens with the moritat singer comparing Macheath (unfavorably) with a shark, and then telling tales of his robberies, murders, rapes, and arson.
Even more appropriate for Trump.


  1. "My Way..."
    How sad...

    I bet a lot of his bigoted fan-boys were hoping for him and Melania to dance to 'The Clash's' "White Riot!"

    And while "Mack the Knife" isn't inappropriate for t-RUMP, it would have been a better fit for Paul "Privatizin'" Ryan's swearing-in as SotH.

  2. I can't even....the man is totally awful. Who the hell presents himself with Mack the Knife as a theme song?

  3. Possibly the two aspects of Trump that have been most consistent are his psychopathic behavior and his narcissism.

  4. I really wanted it to be "Send in the Clowns."

  5. Oh the shark has
    Orange gills dear
    But his teeth are
    Buffed and bright
    Just a slogan
    Has Mac-Donald
    And it says make
    This country white.

    I can't go on any more! I can't, I can't, I simply can't.

    Yours very crankily,
    The New York Crank

  6. Damn it, I wish these guys were still in existence. But their spirit is:
