Friday, December 02, 2016


There's a lot of truth in this:

I'd extend this to big-city dwellers and urbane Americans in general. Look, white working class, we get it: You know how to do a lot of things that many of us can't do very well. You know how to farm and hunt and fight wars and build buildings and assemble complex machinery. Many of you do physical labor. We don't. But even you generally acknowledge that our crowd produces the slickest fraudsters and thieves. Our bullshit artists are the absolute best at screwing people.

And that's the point: We know these frauds. We live among them. We work with them. They're our co-workers, our bosses, our landlords. We have to understand how they operate as a simple matter of self-preservation.

So when we told you that Trump is a dangerous, lying sociopath, you should have believed us. For us, recognizing slick predators is a necessary life skill. That's true in our world even if you're not near the top of the food chain like Seth MacFarlane.

I'm not saying this out of disrespect for the white working class. You folks have skills that we don't. But in this case, the skills we have would have benefited you, because you got fleeced.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I'd extend this to big-city dwellers and urbane Americans in general.

    Urbane Americans?

    Look, white working class,

    I'm responding as part of the whitish some college class Americans...

    we get it: You know how to do a lot of things that many of us can't do very well. You know how to farm and hunt and fight wars and build buildings and assemble complex machinery.

    I know how to do all those things ... but only as part of having read many books and done many frou-frou things. (Like do 'girly' shit like cook, like I was fucking French or something.)

    But even you generally acknowledge that our crowd produces the slickest fraudsters and thieves. Our bullshit artists are the absolute best at screwing people. And that's the point: We know these frauds. We live among them. We work with them. They're our co-workers, our bosses, our landlords. We have to understand how they operate as a simple matter of self-preservation.

    Two things: speaking as a long-time resident of Dallas (the city of hate, home of bullshit con artists like GW Bush and other right-wing idiots!) and having many unfortunate experiences with the Hitler-humping white Appalachian class, I can tell you that thieves and cons come from all classes. There's nothing like knowing (white) drug addicts (for one) for knowing and understanding liar and bullshitters.

    And I long ago dismissed Trump (back in the 80's) as a pure bullshitter and con artist. Voting for Trump wasn't about not understanding that Trump is a con, voting for Trump was about rewarding what they wanted to hear. They wanted to hear someone do something about immigration, hear something about not sending their kids off to die in endless rounds of humanitarian interventions, they wanted to hear something about sticking it to Muslims. And Trump rather obligingly told them what they wanted to hear.

    A very large number of R's liked Mitt well enough, but a smaller and harder-core number of R's LOVE Trump.

    ['It's not about whether they got fleeced. The entire point of view is that they've been getting continuously fleeced since ever and they want the fleecing to stop. So they voted for the guy who at least promised to not suck.']
