Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Breitbart reports:
The executive director of a physicians’ organization questions how the mainstream media can ignore signs of what could be a traumatic brain injury in the Democrat nominee for president.

Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, observes that “strangely silent is the mainstream media about the fitness” for presidential office of Hillary Clinton. At AAPS’ website, Orient summarizes the concerns about Clinton’s health that she says are growing:
There’s the photograph of Secretary Clinton’s difficulty walking up some steps. Now inability to climb stairs does not necessarily disqualify a person for public office. However, neither she nor people with her apparently anticipated a problem. The people helping her seem to be preventing a fall. Did she simply trip? Or was it a seizure or a stroke?
... “Obviously, it would be very dangerous for a person subject to symptoms like this to be dealing with foreign leaders or making critical decisions,” she states. “The President of the United States may have to make world-changing decisions on a moment’s notice. For example, should we launch nuclear-armed missiles? And if the Commander in Chief is confused, who will make the call?”
Dr. Jane Orient? Wow, who's she?

Well, her group, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, is
a politically conservative non-profit association founded in 1943 to "fight socialized medicine and to fight the government takeover of medicine." ... Notable members include Ron Paul.... Ron Paul's son, Rand Paul, was a member for over two decades until his election to the U.S. Senate.

... its publication [the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons] advocates a range of scientifically discredited theories, including the belief that HIV does not cause AIDS, that being gay reduces life expectancy, that there is a link between abortion and breast cancer, and that there are links between autism and vaccinations....

The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons is not listed in academic literature databases such as MEDLINE/PubMed or the Web of Science. The quality and scientific validity of articles published in the Journal have been criticized by medical experts.... The U.S. National Library of Medicine declined repeated requests from AAPS to index the journal... Quackwatch lists JPandS as an untrustworthy, non-recommended periodical.... An editorial in Chemical & Engineering News described JPandS as a "purveyor of utter nonsense."
In 2008, the journal published an article claiming that Barack Obama was using neurolinguistic programming as mind control:
At the web site of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons ("A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943"), there's an unsigned "News of the Day" item dated October 25, 2008, under the title "Oratory -- or hypnotic induction?". This article's disturbing message is indicated by the rhetorical questions in its opening sentences:
Is Barack Obama a brilliant orator, captivating millions through his eloquence? Or is he deliberately using the techniques of neurolinguistic programming (NLP), a covert form of hypnosis developed by Milton Erickson, M.D.?
To make sure she has maxed out her commitment to denialism and hatred of science, Orient is also a creationist and signatory to the sadly silly Discovery Institute initiated petition A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism.
In 2014, she speculated that undocumented immigrant children might cause an Ebola epidemic in the U.S.:
According to an Ebola expert, the porous U.S.-Mexico border is creating issues that could lead to widespread contraction of Ebola, tuberculosis and a mystery respiratory disease.

Dr. Jane Orient, the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, told Laura Ingraham’s radio show Wednesday that children who have crossed the border and are now in American schools, could spread the trio of viruses as the illegal children may not have been screened or quarantined thoroughly.

According to Orient, the current situation America faces is a “public health nightmare” and that almost all cases of tuberculosis in America are brought to the country via “foreign born individuals.”

... Orient also warned against the possibility of Ebola being spread in America, stating that illegal children “could be” infecting other students, and that “it only takes one infected child.”

“We don’t know for sure the government is being real tight-lipped about this. It only takes one infected child to infect the whole classroom. […] One infected child can infect somebody else and eventually you have thousands of cases being admitted to the hospital,” Orient told the radio host.
With top-flight medical professionals like Dr. Orient on the case, this Hillary health story is going to break wide open any day now, don't you think?


  1. crazy people everywhere

  2. The AAPS is a conscious and deliberate project dedicated to creating perfect storm monsters, combining crazy, fraud and stupid into Frankenstein's monsters for dark and stormy American political nights.

  3. Just where did the notion come from that medical doctors are paradigms of wisdom. Like the bimbo the government assigned me when I became officially old who only wants to stick her finger upon my butt and infect me with a live virus, and who doesn't seem to understand the phrase "no, I don't use drugs", Ben Carson is not aberration. It's all rout memorization, cognitive analysis is highly discouraged, orthodoxy is the norm. Like lawyers and computer techs, medical doctors are naught but highly trained monkeys.

  4. Lots of Dr's are rich, old, and white. Being well off, old, and white myself; plenty Docs wink and talk to me in wingnut speak - expecting me to be tuned in.

  5. Forgot white "men"...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. How many regular Americans, let alone rwnj's, take the time to research the bona fides of a guest on Faux News? The host proclaims the guest a Doctor or Terrorism Expert and people foist their own qualifications upon that person thus granting these people legitimacy.

  8. The AAPS is a well-known right-wing organization of quacks and fools, who have banded together to supply a handkerchief's worth of cover for idiocy and fuckery.

    The name is obviously chosen to deceive the media into believing they are people whose opinions matter in the real world. It doesn't.

  9. They were founded during WWII, and their journal is called JAPS? Surely this is an elaborate practical joke.

  10. They were founded during WWII, and their journal is called JAPS? Surely this is an elaborate practical joke.

  11. It only takes one infected child to infect the whole classroom. […] One infected child can infect somebody else and eventually you have thousands of cases being admitted to the hospital,

    Only if those children happen to tend the sick, cleaning their bodily emissions, tending to their corpses, wiping their fevered sweaty brows. That's not typical among fourth graders.
