Monday, August 29, 2016


I imagine you already know about this:
Pastor Mark Burns, an African-American supporter of Donald Trump who has been defending the candidate's recent outreach to minority voters in the media, tweeted a cartoon Monday of Hillary Clinton in blackface, mocking her outreach to black voters.

Burns has now deleted the tweet and apologized for it. But who would draw such an awful cartoon?

The catoonist is A.F. Branco, whose website is -- I'm sure this name will shock you with its originality and wit -- Branco's work appears at the blog Legal Insurrection (you know, the place where a few years ago there was a to-do about Barack Obama's fondness for eliist dijon mustard), as well as at Ammoland. You can get a book of Branco cartoons. You can buy Branco birthday cards. Branco is cited by Fox News on a regular basis.

And he's terrible. How terrible? This terrible:

This terrible:

And here is even more terribleness:

And then there's this "serious" work:

This print of conservative artist A.F. Branco's painting Freedom's Battle visualizes the very real battle between freedom and tyranny. Communism, as depicted by hands holding the Communist hammer and sickle, is pulling at the very fabric of America, while freedom, symbolized by the American Eagle, grasps the flag in an attempt to keep it from the holds of communism.
Whoa, deep!

This is what folks on the other end of the political spectrum think is brilliant political commentary. I throw up my hands.

(Deleted tweet via Raw Story.)


  1. I don't want to throw up my hands, I just want to throw-up!

    Conservatives can't be funny, because they suffer from an "irony deficiency."

  2. "I throw up" -- I'm with Victor.

  3. This is the guy that Rev Al and Eugene Robinson took apart on Morning Joe last week. The reason he does something like this is because as they aptly showed he's got nothing. I've seen him fumble through a couple shows and get away with his crap because the interviewer doesn't press him but those two weren't having any of it.

  4. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I like how someone thought the last image was so sophisticated it cried out for detailed explication. "In case you missed it, the bald eagle stands for America, the hammer and sickle stand for communism, and the American flag stands for the American flag." I think Lee Greenwood just said, uh, seems a bit on the nose.

  5. Communism? Seriously, communism?

    Climate Change is WWIII. We are losing.

    If we survive, if we get off this poisened ball of mud and somehow carry the species into the future, Adam and Eve getting kicked out of paradise will be of much more profound significance than as a player used myth.

    These people are animals, less than sufficiently evolved, and a clear and present danger to my grandchildren's survival.

  6. Communism? Seriously, communism?

    Climate Change is WWIII. We are losing.

    If we survive, if we get off this poisened ball of mud and somehow carry the species into the future, Adam and Eve getting kicked out of paradise will be of much more profound significance than as a player used myth.

    These people are animals, less than sufficiently evolved, and a clear and present danger to my grandchildren's survival.
