Monday, May 30, 2016

With "Progressives" Like These...

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is incompetent at running the DNC. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is in the pocket of payday lenders. In short, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is the fucking worst.

Except for maybe her primary opponent:
Much of Canova’s campaign literature emphasizes his opposition to the nuclear agreement with Iran, a position shared by many in the district’s large and active Jewish population. Wasserman Schultz backed the deal.

“She’s Jewish; I’m not. But I’ve had a Jewish stepdad for 40 years, and I was a volunteer on a kibbutz. . . . And she voted for the Iran agreement,” he said. “Either she got duped by [Obama deputy national security adviser] Ben Rhodes or she was in on it.”
In other words, against Wasserman-Schultz Bernie Sanders is backing a guy who attacks her from the right on one of the most consequential foreign policy issues of the day. I have no love whatsoever for Wasserman-Schultz but this almost makes me want to donate to her campaign. Fucking brilliant.

Of course this isn't really about Canova; it's about Sanders' grudge against Wasserman-Schultz. It isn't about 'principle' any more than his jihad against Barney Frank is; it's about payback. But what's also at work here is his lack of interest in foreign policy--something he might want to get over if he's going to keep endorsing people for Federal office.


  1. Course HRC is also against the Iran deal so I guess it depends on who's in charge?

  2. Clinton supported the Iran deal but said she still didn't trust Iran, so she'd monitor it closely. That's a little different.

  3. Unbelievable. Up until now, I was hoping for DWS to lose her primary because she's just awful, but setting a precedent that you could lose your primary if you back the President's attempts to avoid a nuclear arms race in the Middle East is not worth it.

  4. DWS needs to go!

    I'm now just less sure of this guy, thanks to you, Tom.

    Maybe if politics didn't = money, and money didn't = politics, we'd have a better range of candidates.

    Our choices always seem to = hard-right "Christian" ideologues v. a right-of-center and squishy "liberals."

  5. Where do i send DWS a contribution? Bernie Sanders has become old pathetic terrible loser. I am leading a Twitter campaign that no person not a Registered Democrat should be on any Convention Committees. Particularly Cornel West. He hates Obama and despises the Democratic Party but wants tp help write the Platform? No way Bernie. So if you agree call 1-800-863-8000 DNC and voice your objection. 8 AM DST Tuesday. Bernie Sanders you need to get a poke in your eye. Like you are trying to do to the Democratic Party.

  6. It's a deal breaker for me. DWS showed a little courage in backing Obama on this, and so does Clinton in her grudging way. DWS shouldn't be in a national leadership position if she sticks with the Florida habit of refusing to campaign against Floridian reps of the party, but Canoga should not be supported.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I mean of the other party.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I have been sitting on the fence regarding DWS, I'll admit. I have been leaning against backing her, frankly.

    But this is just courting disaster. I don't give a shit if this guy feeds his dog Alpo and sends a card to his mom on Mother's Day. Playing silly buggers with this Iran deal is stupid. There's no other word for it. (Well, yeah, there are other words for it: opportunistic, insane, unforgivable, I could go on.)

    Fuck this guy.

  11. Thanks for spotting this. Love the extra "Evil Ben Rhodes" touch, which is absolutely right-wing framing.
